Hard at work, on the site
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If you look at the site today, you’ll see that ye olde blog section has disappeared.
I’ve replaced it with three sections, Work, Personal and Reading.
I’ve done this primarily for me.
While I want all my writing in one place, I want them organised in piles that correspond with the three major modes of my brain.
Work to hold everything I consider work.
Reading for the bookworm in me.
And finally personal for everything else.
The problem (my problem, in my mind) with the old blog was too much mental whiplash when I read the blog. I would go from poetry to docker to antifragility to photos with every turn of the page.
I didn’t like it.
Ergo, the reorganisation.
Every one in their own pretty place now.
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So now, whenever I am browsing my posts in the work section, I see only tech, and computers and docker and programming and all that good stuff.
Same with the personal stuff and the reading.
How does this affect you, my kind and gentle reader?
- If you are a subscriber to the email list, nothing changes. I know I’ve been lax with updates, but hopefully this reorg should break up the log jam and help me write more.
- If you just come here to the site, once in a while to read through, hopefully, you’ll find it easy just like me, to read posts without too much cognitive whipsawing.
- And finally, if you subscribe via RSS, you my friend are probably affected.
The main feed, with all articles, still remains the same, so if you drink from the firehose, nothing changes.
If you’re subscribed to a tag specific feed, like Emacs or DGPLUG, nothing changes.
The only change is that the blog feed has disappeared. In its place are three spanking new feeds, representing my new sections. - And that about does it. Happy Reading!
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P.P.S. Feed my insatiable reading habit.