Still working on the journal program.

But made significant progress today.

  • Learnt how to read and write from files (lots more practice required)
  • Learnt how to pass variables around between modules, that are spread across files (still find it confusing. guess that’ll ease with practice)
  • Learnt what all that __name__ stuff is all about. (pretty simple actually. if main is not my name, i refuse to run. you call me in vain1)
  • And finally, learnt what docstrings are. They’re basically bread crumbs I leave for myself and other folks reading the code, to figure out, for example, what a function does, what input it expects, what output it’ll poop out and all that jazz. Basically, documentation for programmers, by programmers.
  • Once I document my code up tomorrow, I will be done.

Here’s to more productive days!

  1. Well, not vain really :) the other use case is to import this file into others ↩︎