Life is Short

via Vishal Khandelwal Vishal has a lovely article, on the shortness of life, over at Safal Niveshak. That is where I stole the beautiful picture above from. (you can click the pic for a larger version.) “So you must match time’s swiftness with your speed in using it, and you must drink quickly as though from a rapid stream that will not always flow.” —Seneca ...

January 27, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Want to Write? Here’s a Simple 3 Step Process

In the vein of the old zen koan about enlightenment or Seth’s drip by drip approach to affecting change in the world, James Clear offers a simple 3 step process to becoming a writer (or painter, or programmer, or guitarist, weight loss person, or gymnast.) Publish on a schedule. Consistency develops ability. Share your writing publicly. Writing is a magnet. It attracts like-minded people. Write about what fascinates you. You don’t need to be an expert. Curiosity leads to expertise. It’s simple. It’s not easy :) Walking the path as I have, I can attest to both, its difficulty as well as its efficacy :) ...

January 20, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Reread Books

In the run up to exams in a few months, my life has turned super busy again. So once again, I turn to wiser people and the things that inspire me, to keep my writing habit going :) Let’s start with Ryan Holiday. In his post, Ryan Holiday Picks 20 Books to Help You Live Better in 2020, he concludes with a sage paragraph on the benefits of re reading books that matter. ...

January 16, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Books I Read in 2019.

Want to know what I was up to, with my reading last year? The whole big list is here. I read in November and December too, but some books you just … cannot :) via the ever creative, Tom Gauld If you want to see the books I read over and over again, every single year, here is my Lindy list. ...

January 6, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Year End Reading For a Better You

As much as I love books, I also like to read blogs, and listen to podcasts. So here is the year end, most popular, best of stuff that some of the places I frequent, have shared. And in turn, I share it with you, to help you get a good jumpstart to the new year :) For times, when you just want to veg out, the Ars TV Guide should have you covered, at least for January ...

December 31, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

I Wish You Warmth!

Sandra Fabiani … Warmth is a fire place in winter. Warmth is the love of your family and friends. Warmth is compassion end empathy. Warmth is a smile and kindness from strangers. Warmth is a hug when we are feeling bad. Warmth is kind words when you are doubting yourself. Monica Lewinsky … Soul connecting hugs … Ben Stiller … Fireplaces, hearths, wood. Everything I didn’t experience growing up […] Also puppies and Xmas music ...

December 26, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza