Year End Reading For a Better You

As much as I love books, I also like to read blogs, and listen to podcasts. So here is the year end, most popular, best of stuff that some of the places I frequent, have shared. And in turn, I share it with you, to help you get a good jumpstart to the new year :) For times, when you just want to veg out, the Ars TV Guide should have you covered, at least for January...

December 31, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

I Wish You Warmth!

Sandra Fabiani … Warmth is a fire place in winter. Warmth is the love of your family and friends. Warmth is compassion end empathy. Warmth is a smile and kindness from strangers. Warmth is a hug when we are feeling bad. Warmth is kind words when you are doubting yourself. Monica Lewinsky … Soul connecting hugs … Ben Stiller … Fireplaces, hearths, wood. Everything I didn’t experience growing up […]...

December 26, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Writing as a Discipline, a Practice

My brain is too scattered, so here are a few scattered thoughts on writing and why I write. On the why? Writing, to me, is cathartic exercise. It acts like a pressure release valve. It makes me calmer. The very act of writing clarifies my thoughts, and helps sharpen my mind. It gives me distance from my thoughts, makes me more objective. It helps me learn better. As I was learning Maths last year, the teacher constantly reminded me that learning, true learing and understanding, comes from written practice....

December 13, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

How to Stop Checking Your (My) Phone

As I battle my physical demons, the newsletter will probably be on this slightly off cadence as I struggle mightily throughout the week, thinking about what to write, failing and then at the last minute panicking and sharing a short snippet of something I love and enjoy. I hope you do too :) So where was I? Oh yea, my favourite personal development, web researcher, Mr. Barker has this to share on what the issue is with our minds and how we can all gain some perspective and a bit more happiness by not checking our phones ever so often....

December 2, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

My Friend

I have to learn to make time for reading and writing, which has slowed to a crawl ever since I am slowly getting back to life. Hence these untimely letters. This week, I present a little story I read when I was, oh, about ten years old. Thirty years later, it still guides my actions and affirms my faith. It has always given me a strange kind of freedom, when it comes to my how I go about life, encouraging me to do my best, and not to worry even if I stumble....

November 25, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

I Am Here, (Trying Really Hard to Show Up)

Sorry, but not sorry about the lack of the weekly email yesterday :) The phone is dead, the computer’s crashed and the net is not working. In short, Murphy definitely has not left the building. But if I am to be successful at what I do, if I aim to earn your trust, I need to show up :) To quote Seth, Showing up on time, with a smile on your face is almost always more important than what you actually say or do....

November 19, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Books I’ve Read, October Edition

Before we begin the festivities, here’s a small aside to the techheads who follow me and the tech muggles who care about privacy. (Which should actually be all of us, considering the various invasions of privacy happening) My friend and mentor, Kushal writes short newsy notes on what goes on in that world. Why privacy matters and how the powers that be are stripmining our privacy and what we can do to protect it....

November 11, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Inessential Turns 20!

From the celebratory post, Old proverb: “The best time to start a blog was 20 years ago. The second-best time is today.” :) This is what I want for my blogs to become too. Not popular, but to have a long active life, full of stuff that inspires me and helps others.

November 9, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Books I’ve Read, September Edition

Hello, folks! Let’s get this show back on the road, shall we? Before we resume, I just want to thank you for all your notes of encouragement and good wishes. I still am not out of the woods, yet, but healthy enough to resume writing these littles notes :) September Everyday Millionaires, Chris Hogan (must read. but only for folks like me who are a little slow with money. it’s a typical Dave Ramsey book....

November 4, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Gaiman on Writing

The truth is, I think, […] for me inspiration comes from a bunch of places. (Counting on his fingers …) Desperation, deadlines … A lot of times, ideas will turn up while you are doing something else. And most of all, I think, ideas come from confluence. They come from two things flowing together, they come, essentially from day-dreaming. It’s … it’s something I suspect that’s something that every human being does....

September 30, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza