Why You Need a Reading Plan

Jeremy Andenberg, on the importance of Reading Plans: Creates room for mastery of a subject. This is perhaps my favorite part of having a reading plan. We’ve made the case multiple times here on Art of Manliness that everyone should strive to be “T-shaped”; that is, you should have a breadth of general knowledge, but also mastery in a single topic or subject or skill. Such mastery provides satisfaction and self-confidence in spades. ...

March 11, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Happy Women’s Day!

Like I wrote at the other place, I’ve been hugged and kissed and kicked, and taught and influenced and befriended and loved by so many of you! I would not be me, if it weren’t for you! It’s only grown truer with time. Even more love and gratitude!

March 8, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Trying to Be Perfect Is a Waste of Time

“I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don’t know the other side’s argument better than they do.” — Charlie Munger That quote opens Shane’s post on the work required to hold an opinion, which remains one of the mental models I use most often. Which is why I had my ears and my mind open, when Shane began one of his latest posts with, “Trying to be perfect is a waste of time.” ...

February 25, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Reasons to Write #1339

Derek Sivers on journaling daily. Almost all the thoughts I have on any subject are the result of writing in my diary and journals, then questioning myself and working through alternate ways of thinking about it, and finally returning to the subject days or months later with a clear head and updated thoughts, seeing how they’ve changed or not over time. Also on how writing helps him do the work required, to have an opinion. ...

February 17, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Writing as an Important Career Skill

Jason Fried, founder of Basecamp, and prolific blogger on why writing is important and how (and why) he uses writing as a hiring filter. First, in an interview with Chase Jarvis on youtube. CJ: What are some other really key things that you look for, that you’ve built into your company? Just some of the ones that are maybe more important to you well yeah how do you think about it? ...

February 10, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

How do we protect our work? How do we get paid for it?

How do we protect our work? How do we get paid for it? (Or is that really the question we should be worried about when seeking to make our mark. And the importance of writing, of showing up, regularly.) This is what I admire about Seth Godin. His unique ability to get to the heart of the question. The question lies in the q & a after this really awesome episode at around the 22.45 mark. (The episode is a replay of this awesome talk. If you haven’t seen or heard it yet, do me (and yourself) a favour and do so.) ...

January 12, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza