Beautiful Arunachal!

Land of the Dawn Lit Mountains

March 4, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

You Can’t Have It All

Mountains in Ladakh. Click to embiggen And when adulthood fails you, you can still summon the memory of the black swan on the pond of your childhood, the rye bread with peanut butter and bananas your grandmother gave you while the rest of the family slept. There is the voice you can still summon at will, like your mother’s, it will always whisper, you can’t have it all, but there is this....

September 1, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Wade in the …

on a canal outside Keukenhof. click to embiggen If you get there before I do Wade in the Water Tell all of my friends I’m coming too God’s gonna trouble the water Wade in the water Wade in the water, children … 🎵 Feedback on this post? Mail me at P.S. Subscribe to my mailing list! Forward these posts and letters to your friends and get them to subscribe!...

August 29, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

What Makes the Desert Beautiful …

Click the pic for a bigger photo “The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen.” I replied, “Yes, that is so.’ And, without saying anything more, I looked across the ridges of sand that were stretched out before us in the moonlight. “The desert is beautiful,” the little prince added. “What makes the desert beautiful,” said the little prince, “is that somewhere it hides a well …”...

July 1, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Road to Nowhere

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be. — Douglas Adams (Shot on the long, beautiful, northern stretch of the E75, between Ivalo and Utsjoki.) P.S. More photography? Subscribe!

June 24, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Daily Writing, 76 – Mother and Son

Mothers yielding Bibles, contemplating smearing the blood of lamb chops over her doorway. Anything to keep her son alive another day. — Antonia Perdu

September 3, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza