The Fastest Way to Raise Your Level of Performance

The fastest way to raise your level of performance: Cut your number of commitments in half. — via James Clear’s latest 3–2–1 missive Jack Butcher puts it even more eloquently … Do! P.S. Subscribe to my mailing list! Forward these to your friends and get them to subscribe! P.P.S. Feed my insatiable reading habit.

February 10, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Writing as a Discipline, a Practice

My brain is too scattered, so here are a few scattered thoughts on writing and why I write. On the why? Writing, to me, is cathartic exercise. It acts like a pressure release valve. It makes me calmer. The very act of writing clarifies my thoughts, and helps sharpen my mind. It gives me distance from my thoughts, makes me more objective. It helps me learn better. As I was learning Maths last year, the teacher constantly reminded me that learning, true learing and understanding, comes from written practice. Knowledge, he’d say flows upwards, through the pen to your fingers, through your brain and into your mind. ...

December 13, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

RIP, Rutger Hauer

I’ve, seen things, you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire, off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams, glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those, moments, will be lost, in time, like, tears, in rain. Time, to die. Blade Runner was the first movie I saw, that had a morally ambigous ‘hero’. And the villain is not bad? And he saves the hero? This was the first movie that made me look at the world in shades of grey, in shades of acceptance. ...

July 25, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Trying to Be Perfect Is a Waste of Time

“I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don’t know the other side’s argument better than they do.” — Charlie Munger That quote opens Shane’s post on the work required to hold an opinion, which remains one of the mental models I use most often. Which is why I had my ears and my mind open, when Shane began one of his latest posts with, “Trying to be perfect is a waste of time.” ...

February 25, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Thank you, Kushal!

Began reading The Warren Buffett Shareholder today. This is from the preface. Many contributors to this book remark upon Buffetts’s distinctive teaching style, which tends to instruct people how to think rather than what to think. And John Bogle has attended one Meeting, but attests that even one can change your world. A couple of pages later Our premise was that Berkshire’s intrinsic value owes a lot to the Meeting and the shareholder community. Buffett wrote in his 2014 letter … ...

February 12, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Writing as an Important Career Skill

Jason Fried, founder of Basecamp, and prolific blogger on why writing is important and how (and why) he uses writing as a hiring filter. First, in an interview with Chase Jarvis on youtube. CJ: What are some other really key things that you look for, that you’ve built into your company? Just some of the ones that are maybe more important to you well yeah how do you think about it? ...

February 10, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza