Books! Do What You Will, With Them

The title says it all.

March 3, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

Note to Self, Cal Newport’s Minimal Notes System

My old-style slow notetaking process. Replaced now with Elipsa Annotations, which then move along with my thoughts into Org Roam Notes. Click to see bigger Cal Newport recently did a deep dive on his podcast, on a minimalist note taking system for various areas of your life. Video’s on Youtube, if you want to watch. It’s called A Productivity System To Remember Everything You Learn. ...

March 2, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

Iron Widow

Iron Widow, Highlights

March 1, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza


All my highlights and thoughts from Babel

February 29, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Invisible Inequity and Entrenched Privilege (In Open Source and the World)

Quotes from Kuang and Gibson about inequity and privilege

February 23, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

When a Book Kicks You Up Your Backside

Go, work!

February 22, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza