A Hundred Days of Code, Day 013, Day 14 - Python, Advanced Data Structures, Done!

Notes and experiences for yesterday and today. I ‘wasted’ a lot of time, again, struggling with exercises yesterday and ended up being too zombied to even write the summary post. Have been much smarter about it today. Stopped after about 30 mins and copied and tried to understand the solution. Notes List of Dictionaries Just more convenient than a list of lists, not particularly faster Make it more flexible. Dictionary of dictionaries...

July 22, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

A Hundred Days of Code, Day 012 - Python, Advanced Data Structures continued

Ok! Had a nice refreshing break, yesterday being Sunday. Back to work today! If today’s notes, feel a little light, that’s because I was struggling with exercises. Notes Part 2 A lightweight solution to classes, if I am just combining all sorts of data structures is the built-in collections. Some of them could be List of Lists List of Tuples List of Dictionaries Dictionary of Dictionaries Dictionary of Lists Mostly use them to solve tricky issues....

July 20, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

A Hundred Days of Code, Day 011 - Python, Advanced Data Structures

Started with a new Reuven Lerner Course, on Advanced Data Structures.. Aiming to comfortably finish this in a week. Notes and experiences, follow. The course is three parts. Part 1 - Deep dive into the common data structures Part 2 - Combining Data Structures. Lists of lists, Dicts of lists, Tuples of Lists and so forth. How far can I go without classes? Or how can I enhance my classes with this approach?...

July 18, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza