A Hundred Days of Code, Day 002 - Basic Exercises

Did a few exercises today. They were simple. Create a few classes, change them, modify them, use a list as an attribute and so on. In a couple of ways, this was just what I needed. One, I had an extremely busy day at work, and so I did not have the brain power to do anything complex, so I needed the bar really low any way. And two, I’ve realised, that I have always tried to just read a book and then leap mountains....

July 9, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

A Hundred Days of Code, Day 001 - Beginning With Classes

Notes I’ve taken from the videos I watched, today. This is my attempt at Feynman-ing (below), what I learnt so far. Classes and Object Oriented Programming started to come together for me, when I saw Kushal using them. To use my father’s carpentry analogy, I could in theory just hammer nails into wood to join them. But to make a really strong joint, I could use other methods. I could screw pieces of wood together, which is markedly better than just nailing them....

July 8, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

A Hundred Days of Code, Day 000 - Begin Again

How do I begin this post? By simply beginning :) Again! This probably is the fourth (or is it fifth) time, I’ll be attempting to learn how to program. And probably the same number of attempts at #100DaysOfCode. I did 47 days last time and 37 days before that. I will try my utmost to go the distance this time. Because even if I didn’t complete a full run, I still learnt tonnes from all my previous efforts....

July 8, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacs, Final Day!

Unlike #100DaysOfCode, I am not quite giving up on Emacs. Rather that it has turned out to be a habit that has fit in, quite well, and I don’t need this accountability any more. I use it for most of my prose (not code, yet.) This post, is in fact, written in Emacs :) I have not gained any modicum of knowledge by any means. But I have enough muscle memory and immersion, to make sure I will continue using Emacs for most writing I do....

July 7, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacs, Day 05

Practiced moving around with the Emacs keys for 30 mins

July 2, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacs, Day 04

Learnt all about movement and search today.

July 1, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacs, Day 03

Too tired, so just worked my way through the Anki deck for a bit today.

June 30, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacs, Day 02

Had an extremely busy day with studies today, so could not spend time learning much Emacs. Decided to do a little bit of plucking the low hanging fruit and customising Emacs a bit to my liking. I created an init.el file in the emacs.d folder in my home directory, to add all my custom stuff into. Adding Package Managers Yesterday, I had learnt, that I could install additional functionality by downloading extra Emacs packages from the GNU repo at ELPA....

June 29, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacs, Day 01

Slowly making my way through the Mastering Emacs book. Things I did / learnt today … Learnt that if I want to run Emacs all over the place (like I do), then the best thing to do is to have Emacs, running as a daemon in the background. So I did that via the handy systemd instructions, on this page. And that Emacs has a kitchen sink’s worth of commands. And that Emacs commands are like playing chords on the guitar or piano....

June 28, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Premature end to a Hundred Days of Code. Welcome to A Month of Emacs

Life is really kicking my butt right now. And the 12th studies are not making it any easier. So am temporarily giving up on A Hundred Days of Code, again. Hopefully, I will have the time to give Python, in a month. In the meanwhile, with the limited time I do have, I’d like to learn me some Emacs. Will write about it everyday.

June 27, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza