I Should Write Down and Summarize What I Did

I did a lot of research the other day about what I’d need to build a contact form for my website. I bookmarked lots of pages. And today, I come and look at this mountain of videos and sites and pages and woneder what exactly it is, that I am supposed to tackle. Nothing makes sense. I know I ruled out Sendy as an option. Or did I? Do I need Javascript?...

January 23, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Learning DSA, Day 001: Recursion Basics

Using Abdul Bari’s, Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ to grok the basics. Now that I grok programming, understanding DSA should help me write and think better. And writing rough notes or thoughts to myself here, keeps me accountable and on track.1 Today’s topic? The Basics of Recursion Types of Recursion Tail Recursion Head Recursion Tree Recursion Indirect Recursion Nested Recursion Tail Recursion When a recursive call, is the last statement in a recursive function, that’s tail recursion func(n) { if (n>0) { blah … ; blah … ; blah … ; func(n-1); } } All the operations in the examples above happen at call time....

August 8, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Tomorrow is Another Date

Org mode is slowly spreading its tentacles increasingly becoming something, I cannot live without, to manage my day. And I’m getting pretty consistent with it too! Like you see above, I use dates as my headlines, below which I list the various tasks for the day.1 And that’s where I run into my current itch to scratch. I don’t want to keep typing out the date daily. The computer can do that for me....

July 31, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacsclient Does Not Recognise Compose Key Sequences

Originally published 2021/10/27. Updated to include the .xssessionsrc point I run pretty often into this issue, so this is a checklist for me. Issue being, that I cannot use Compose key sequences to type out the characters I need. Case in point being, the apostrophe ’ and the quote marks “” , ‘’ that I use, all the live long day. Make sure that emacs is running as a service. It runs in your user, so check status with systemctl --user status emacs....

July 31, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Pycharm Does Not Recognise Compose Key Sequences

Did I not just write about this, the other day with Emacs? I did, but Pycharm seems to have the same affliction. Pycharm, just like Emacs, stubbornly refuses to accept my Compose key combinations. Which means … you guessed it, no ‘,”,“ or ’ punctuation and all the other affordances, Compose gives me. Considering that I need both, Pycharm as well as Emacs in my life, it behooved me, that I go solve this too....

November 9, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

To my Teachers, With Gratitude

Shoutouts of Gratitude to the teachers who I learnt programming from over the past couple of years … Kushal Das, for bringing me in, teaching me the ropes and assuring me there was a place for me here Reuven Lerner, who unravelled Python for me and made me realise that languages were small, and the reason I was struggling was not Python, but because I wanted to understand all of computer science in too short a time frame....

October 27, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza