Daily Writing, 56 – You Will Not Be Made Whole

This from yesterday’s Daily Stoic newsletter. I’m quoting it wholly, because short though it may be; it packs such a powerful punch. Your Uber driver is delayed and you want a credit for the inconvenience. Your house is damaged in a storm and you want your insurance to pay for every penny of the repairs. Someone says something pointed and personal at you, and you want them not only to apologize, but to convince you that they never meant it in the first place. ...

September 3, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza


It’s a quake book. It manages to fit a hundred thousand years of human life, into less than five hundred pages, filled with history, wit & philosophy. Page for page, this is one of the most wisdomous books I’ve ever read. This is how I imagine, Yuval Noah Harari acknowledging my compliment Thoughts and Insights abound ...

September 3, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Are We Really Here Just to Fulfill *One* Destiny?

Susan Fowler on guys & gals that want to flit from flower to flower, to want to have and learn and do all the things that interest us People tell me I can’t do all the things I want to do, and they are of course wrong, because I can and I do and I will. But I still can’t ever reach my greatest, deepest, most secret goal, the goal I left off that list: to have a singular passion. ...

September 3, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Thinking and Learning and Learning How to Think (or The Uncomfortable Effort of Thinking)

It took me nearly eighteen months of reading and watching and slogging and poring over Cal Newport, Barb Oakley, Anders Ericsson, and Daniel Kahneman to figure out what überprof Derek Muller explains in just 12 minutes of blockblucksterness!. P.S. Just found out, it took Derek three years to make the video. I don’t feel so bad now :P ...

September 3, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Hats & Boas

I might say that I read Meditations over and over, or that Morgan’s Run is the book that I love to lose myself in. But the truth is that the pages that I’ve read the most, the quotes that shake me up the most, the lessons that I’ve learnt from the most, are from The Little Prince. ...

September 3, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza