Weirdly Placed Emacs Org Branches Are Only Cosmetic

Every evening, after my shutdown ritual, I move my current day’s branch to the bottom of my Org Mode file, so I begin the next day at the same fixed place, at line 36.1 ...

November 27, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Org Mode Subtree Expansion With the Mouse

When I wrote about, ticking off checkboxes in Org Mode, I’d linked to line 101 of org-mouse.el. While I’d read the main summary, I somehow missed line 30 … ;; * subtree expansion/collapse (org-cycle) with the left mouse button Which I accidentally triggered today … After an (accidental) click opens up to … ...

February 22, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learned Today (11th of February, 2023)

Rest day! Not doing much! Emacs It works! Yesterday’s little hack, to clock in and out when I change state works well! It doesn’t seem to have broken anything. Also I added a WORKING state, and tagged my function to that. The clock in and out happen when I switch in an out of the WORKING state. Because I want my parent task to show IN_PROGRESS and the current subtask to be what I am working on. Like so … ...

February 11, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learned Today (10th of February, 2023)

Decided to play hooky today, because I got up reallly late and then I got stuff at home to do. Emacs Since I was playing hooky with my time and attention anyway, I decided to see, if I could tackle this little thing, I wanted to happen with my Org Mode. Everytime I move my TODO status for a task to IN_PROGRESS, I want Org to automatically clock in for me. And everytime I move out of the IN_PROGRESS state, I wanted it to clock out. This is because I want a one step process. I don’t want to change state and then clock in too. And I want it this way, because changing states and telling my program, that I’m going to work on this, here, task now is more natural to me, than clocking in and out. A whole day of reading and searching later, I stumbled across this gem on the Emacs StackExchange site which did exactly what I was looking to do. I stole it, twiddled a bit with the variable and function names and added it to the file that handles my Org config. This is it, in its entirety (add-hook 'org-after-todo-state-change-hook 'mjb/org-clock-todo-change) (defun mjb/org-clock-todo-change () (if (string= org-state "IN_PROGRESS") (org-clock-in) (org-clock-out-if-current))) ...

February 10, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Ticking Off Checkboxes With the Mouse in Org Mode

While I mostly use the keyboard when doing everything Org related, there are a few times in the day, when I cannot. These are mostly mornings and evenings when I bustle about home, doing this thing and that. Things that are part of my routine. Things that are checkboxes in my file. It helps me get through the day without thinking of whether, I gave the better half her meds or whether I remembered to call my mum or if I drank enough water by the end of the day or whether my stretches for the day are done or if the plan for the next day is made. ...

October 7, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Blocks in Org Mode

I remember, when I first learned it, the Org Manual mentioning I could have code, quotes, poetry and sundry self structured blocks of text, where the text in that block would flow like I wanted it to. I could have indentation or line breaks as I pleased. And then I promptly forgot about it. The only thing I did remember were code blocks. And that I needed to do a #+begin_src and then a #+end_src and put my code in the middle. And all this while, I would keep typing it in, by hand. ...

September 27, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza