Notes to Self, on Self Hosting Fonts on My Hugo Blog

Writing this down, so that I will not struggle the next time1, I have to do this. I use Valkyrie for everything on the blog in various weights, except for code and preformatted stuff, which uses Source Code Pro Medium. Both are WOFF2 fonts. Anything in Hugo’s assets/css/extended folder will be picked up by Hugo and bundled into a single CSS file. The fonts are in subdirectories in the static/fonts/font-name folder....

October 9, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Ticking Off Checkboxes With the Mouse in Org Mode

While I mostly use the keyboard when doing everything Org related, there are a few times in the day, when I cannot. These are mostly mornings and evenings when I bustle about home, doing this thing and that. Things that are part of my routine. Things that are checkboxes in my file. It helps me get through the day without thinking of whether, I gave the better half her meds or whether I remembered to call my mum or if I drank enough water by the end of the day or whether my stretches for the day are done or if the plan for the next day is made....

October 7, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Blocks in Org Mode

I remember, when I first learned it, the Org Manual mentioning I could have code, quotes, poetry and sundry self structured blocks of text, where the text in that block would flow like I wanted it to. I could have indentation or line breaks as I pleased. And then I promptly forgot about it. The only thing I did remember were code blocks. And that I needed to do a #+begin_src and then a #+end_src and put my code in the middle....

September 27, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Exclude Files and Folders From an Rsync Copy

I’ve been sticking to plain old rsync -az to sling files around using Rsync. Until I ran into a hiccough today, where I filled up my teensy remote storage on the Pi, because a couple of subdirectories that were part of the run, were hundreds of megabytes large.1 So I did the usual, did hunt around the web thing, and learnt about --exclude So now the new Rsync command is …...

September 18, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Line Numbers in Hugo Codeblocks

I want my code blocks on the blog to sometimes have line numbers. Looking at the Hugo docs here and here led me to the linenos argument. While we’d start our code blocks like (```python)1, all I need more is to add the line number argument like so. Vanilla code block … print(f""" “It’s silly to try to escape other people’s faults. They are inescapable. Just try to escape your own....

September 17, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Drafts App Needs Escaping if I Am to Use Hugo Shortcodes

When I finally figured out how to get line breaks working on my microblog, I ran into another sort of hiccough, when I tried doing that from my phone. I use the Drafts app on my phone and tablet to slice and dice all manner of text and to send it to various locations as I please. One of those is a workflow, that lets me shoot text to a folder on my server which is then published (via a script) on the microblog....

September 14, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Line Breaks on My Microblog

I use a (not quite) hidden blog to collect all sorts of bits and bobs and to (selectively and automatically) publish them to my fediverse or twitter accounts. The one thing that constantly bugged me, was that it would not accept line breaks to differentiate between paragraphs. Like this post, here. I don’t know if it’s my theme or a Hugo thing. And try as I might, I couldn’t quite figure it out....

August 31, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Notes to Self on Renewing Wildcard Certbot Certs

(Update, 2024-03-15: I now use lego. will update this post later.) After struggling to renew my certs for the third time in a row, hopefully these pointers should keep me on track for the next time. Namecheap does not yet support automatic wildcard renewal for the Letsencrypt/Certbot combo. Check next year. Have your Namecheap control panel open and ready. Switch to root or run the command below with sudo Command to renew: certbot certonly --manual --manual-public-ip-logging-ok --preferred-challenges dns-01 -d *....

August 20, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacsclient Does Not Recognise Compose Key Sequences

Originally published 2021/10/27. Updated to include the .xssessionsrc point I run pretty often into this issue, so this is a checklist for me. Issue being, that I cannot use Compose key sequences to type out the characters I need. Case in point being, the apostrophe ’ and the quote marks “” , ‘’ that I use, all the live long day. Make sure that emacs is running as a service. It runs in your user, so check status with systemctl --user status emacs....

July 31, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Installing PyCLD3 on an Apple M1 Mac

While building my work product on the fancy-schmancy M1 work Mac, I kept running into clang errors, when I did a pip install Turns out, PyCLD3 would not build. So I did it manually. This tip on Github did the trick We need brew installed. And then we run the following commands in a terminal … brew install protobuf #install protobuf # set various compiler flags export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_OPENSSL=1 export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_ZLIB=1 export CFLAGS='-I /opt/homebrew/opt/protobuf/include' export LDFLAGS=-L/opt/homebrew/opt/protobuf/lib # install pycld3 python3 -m pip install pycld3 And we’re set!...

March 30, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza