Study, Day 7

Was on a roll. Went and finished the whole geography textbook. My brains are smoking now. Next step, spaced repetition exercises of all the chapters for two months. MITx, 6.00.1x, Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python Did quite a bit of the course’s exercises. I realise now that I should have just downloaded the course from the Open Courseware site and worked on it at my own pace....

July 27, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Study, Day 6

Did a little bit of french and geography. MITx, 6.00.1x, Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python Doing compsci but no notes today, because i am busy learning. Am going to have to revisit oop sometime again. will make notes then But to summarise, i learnt oop i learnt about generators, which to me sounds like a tap on a loop. instead of a bucket of water, i get it by the mug....

July 25, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Study, Day 5

Did some geography for 12th in the morn. Slow, steady, iterative progress there. MITx, 6.00.1x, Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python exceptions & assertions Exceptions What happens when program execution comes across something that it did not expect? like you could go beyond the bounds of a list i try to reference a variable that isn’t there i mix data types. (i dun dis :P 'a'/9) This is basically Python telling me, ‘I don’t get this!...

July 24, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Study, Day 4

Back at it after a short personal break. Lots of stuff to catch up on! MITx, 6.00.1x, Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python Learning about lists. They are iterable, i can run through its elements one by one and do stuff mutable, i can change things inside them append, will append stuff to the end extend, will take another iterable (another list, for example) and then take those elements one by one, and tack them on the the end of this one i can go back and forth, between lists and strings, converting one to the other and vice versa...

July 12, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Study, Day 3

Morning Lets see what this day holds :) French Did a review session Made 15 flashcards MITx, 6.00.1x, Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python goofed off on twitter and read articles on blogs instead of studying learnt about tuples. it’s been an hour & a half and I am still terribly distracted. doing the dishes to regain focus. be back in 30. Nope. cannot focus. Annnnnd now there is no power....

June 28, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Study, Day 2

Just did the MIT course all day today, because my next problem set is due tonight and I did not want to fall behind again. Got distracted a bit, but a lot less than yesterday with the way Nikola renders headers, and youtube videos of sausage making :P Now that I am going through the class, I realise programming is not what I imagined. It is at once, much simpler and a bit more complex than I thought it to be....

June 27, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza