No Love Is Wasted

via Diane Duane I’m almost 50, and here is the best thing I have learned so far: every strange thing you’ve ever been into, every failed hobby or forgotten instrument, everything you have ever learned will come back to you, will serve you when you need it. No love, however brief, is wasted. (I’d add every act of kindness,random or otherwise, to that list.)

April 13, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Things That Last

Just something that kept coming to mind today. I met an old friend the other day. We’d fallen out of touch and gone our separate ways. We were both gifted watches by another friend of ours at the time. And they pointed out to me, I was still wearing the same watch. I gently pointed out to them, that this watch was a different one, something the better half gifted me just after we got married....

March 31, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

You Make Me Feel, So Beautiful!

click to embiggen I have lost my illusions, I have drowned in your words I have left my confusion to a cynical world I am throwing myself at things I don’t understand Discover enlightenment holding your hand You are … So beautiful!

February 17, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

76 & 40

This birthday is my first without Daddy. And so this post today, because I want these words out of my head and heart, before they overwhelm me. Dad & I have birthdays immediately following each other (the 25th & 26th.) All my birthday memories are inextricably linked with him. Him being indulgent with his firstborn. Him holding me close and sharing his cake with me as I grew. Him taking care of me and letting me crawl into his lap to say our prayers on cold mornings in our small drafty house....

September 3, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Daily Writing, 77

The new table goes on for miles and miles :) Thank you mummy! From me and my broken back :)

September 3, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Happy Mother’s Day, Mummy!

A day late, but Happy Mother’s day Mummy! Aunty L made me forget yesterday :) Better late than never though! I could not have asked God for a better mummy than you! We love you for all you are and all you do!

September 3, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza