How To Remember Anything Forever

For folks who want to know how to memorise things effectively, I always pointed them to the Anki app and considered my job done. While I will still point them to the app, my first port of call will be Nicky Case’s delightful new explorable mini site, “How To Remember Anything Forever-ish” It’s whimsical, delightful, and explains memory & how to work with it beautifully as you read the funny, pithy explorable....

November 1, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

How to read, how to write, how to make sense of life, with Robert Green

I’m a big fan of Shane Parrish’s, The Knowledge Project. Last night, I finished Episode 35, with Robert Green. If you have trouble figuring out how to read, or take notes, and synthesize what you learn, go listen to how a master does it. (Spoiler, it’s pretty low tech) Take what he teaches and adapt it digitally if you want. Robert taught it to my favorite Stoic author, Ryan Holiday who’s given a good description of it, here in his Medium post....

August 9, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Margin

This post is for my younger colleagues on the student planet. Yes kids, this is a long post. Suck it up and read it over the weekend. This is important stuff. And please go, read this on the blog. Introduction In The Intelligent Investor, published in 1949, Benjamin Graham1 wrote: In the old legend the wise men finally boiled down the history of mortal affairs into the single phrase, “This too will pass....

May 31, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Intention

Note: This series and words of opinion are also aimed at the Student Planet. OK, I’ve changed my mind. Before, I talk tactics, let me tell you something about intention. All intention means to me is, “I, Decide!” I decide how to feel. I decide how to invest my money. I decide if I want to be fit or not. I decide whether to pursue that career or that degree. Or not....

May 31, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Want to Focus? All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes

This post is squarely aimed at my younger colleagues on the student planet. While all of us will definitely benefit, this is for them. Update: The planet strips video embeds. So, please read it on the blog to get the right flow. Links to the videos also at end of post if you do not wish to leave the planet window Mamata Venkat1 set out to be a doctor (her passion; or so she thought), started out as pre-med and got halfway through her freshman year (first year) of college before she realised medicine wasn’t for her....

May 31, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza


1 Started: 2018-01-27 Finished: 2018-01-28 I started my modern non-fiction journey only a couple of years back, with Antifragile and Thinking Fast & Slow. (I’d only read older, motivational self help before then, Ziglar, Carnegie etc) I made the mistake of thinking everything was as wonderfully dense, yet rambling and well written. I was sadly mistaken. I realised that just like fiction, most non-fiction wasn’t worth my time and that just like most fiction, non-fiction followed a beat; a predictable path....

January 30, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza