Learning Backend WebDev, Log #6 - Focus Followup

Today, I did not quite care how much progress I made. Instead I focussed on getting my focus periods in, like I described yesterday. It’s about an hour earlier than when I usually call it a day. And yet, now that I am checking, I have ‘worked’ fewer actual hours than usual. And I have gotten a bit of exercise and housework done too! (This does not usually happen on a normal study day) ...

June 15, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Learning Backend WebDev, Log #5 - Figured Out How to Focus

Hopefully, for the next couple of months at least. As amazing as Dr. Chuck and Brian Yu and Reuven Lerner are, I find myself falling asleep as I learn web development. I look at the videos, I seem to understand things, and then I zone out. A while later, 30 minutes have passed, three videos are over and I am wondering, just what the heck Dr. Chuck is on about. ...

June 14, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Learning Backend WebDev, Log #4 - Beginning to Learn PostgreSQL

Like I mentioned the other day, Django is driving me batty! Ok, I cannot completely blame Django. A dental procedure has left me in quite a bit of pain and unable to focus. So I was wondering what else I could do, instead of Django and decided I’d learn PostgreSQL. I was tickled pink when I read that Postgres is actually Post Ingres. I am old enough to remember Ingres databases that ran on computers I supported as a junior hardware engineer in the late 90s. I was warned not to ever touch the database machine unless I was supervised :P I also attended seminars for another ‘Post Ingres’ database called NonstopSQL in the early oughts when I worked with Compaq as a support engineer for their laptops. Engineers would have open sessions. But what did a boy servicing laptops have to do with Tandem machines? How did they let me attend? That I will never know. Just that I found them fascinating :) ...

June 10, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza