Jason Learns Django - 08

And just like that, this little journey ends. What did I do/learn today? Today was all about deployments. Learnt how to use gunicorn along with nginx to deploy my website. Learnt how to hide my secrets outside my code. My first Django site is live! A few reflections. The project was both harder than I thought it would be, and took less time than I thought it would. I know Django now, but I definitely don’t “know” Django....

April 30, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Jason Learns Django - 07

Today was a little easier. What did I do/learn today? Today was about doing contacts in the app that we are building. Registering visitors and stuff The basic flow was generating another app and doing views and models and wiring them up to pages So this felt like revision of all that I’d learnt over the past few days. Stuff makes some more sense now. I think I will be done in a day or two, but I know I have only scratched the surface of Django....

April 29, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Jason Learns Django - 06

Hard day again. I just cannot seem to focus and learn. It takes slogging and rewatching and retyping and oh, I missed a colon there. Do it again. And again. And again. And that is the only way, I seem to make any progress. Well, the learning at speed does not quite seem to be in my hands (or my brain 😂) What is in my control, and the best I can do, is to show up every day....

April 28, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Jason Learns Django - 05

Life got in the way again. Remembered yesterday. So I took it easy. Gave myself 4 hours and the grace to quit if I wasn’t done. And somehow, by the skin of my teeth, I got done with the pending module. What did I do/learn today? I seemed to have taken a break at a natural place in the module. If yesterday was about wiring views, today was about doing search....

April 27, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Jason Learns Django - 04

I thought last friday was hard. Boy, was I wrong. I had scheduled about four hours to do one of Brad’s modules everyday. And today was such a bear. Life happened. There were lots of interruptions. I tried to soldier on nonetheless. Eight hours in, and I am still only halfway through the module. That’s when I decided to give myself some grace and let it go. Note to self, stick to the time....

April 26, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Jason Learns Django - 03

Today was a slog. Life got in the way, so lost some scheduled time. So decided to work some more in the evening. What did I do/learn today? Learnt the basics of models, and migrations today. Learnt how to install PostgreSQL, so that I could simualate a production environment. This took eons, all because, I did not realise that I (or some other program I installed) had already installed Postgres in the past, and so I went down a rabbit hole of looking at logs and figuring out ports and why I could not talk to the database I wanted....

April 24, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza