Rules for Life

Ryan Holiday writes about 11 expressions that you will help you with life. I have always used Memento Mori and Amor Fati. This list has several more! Festina Lente Carpe Diem Fac, si facis Quidvis recte factum quamvis humile praeclarum Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful) Per Angusta Ad Augusta Amor fati Fatum Ingenium Est Semper Anticus Vivere Militare Est Memento Mori Go on, read about what they mean and how they can change you....

February 3, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

How to be Unhappy (Or Happy!)

Riffing off a quote in last week’s newsletter, Make any behaviour you want to encourage easier to do, and any behaviour you want to discourage harder to do. How to Be Unhappy: stay inside all day move as little as possible spend more than you earn take yourself (and life) too seriously look for reasons why things won’t work always consume, never contribute resent the lucky and successful never say hello first be unreliable Invert for happiness: get outside each day move: walk, exercise, dance spend less than you earn view life as play be the one who looks for solutions develop a bias to contribute and create learn from the lucky and successful be the first to say hello be reliable I stole this from James Clear’s 3–2–1 newsletter....

December 9, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

My Friend

I have to learn to make time for reading and writing, which has slowed to a crawl ever since I am slowly getting back to life. Hence these untimely letters. This week, I present a little story I read when I was, oh, about ten years old. Thirty years later, it still guides my actions and affirms my faith. It has always given me a strange kind of freedom, when it comes to my how I go about life, encouraging me to do my best, and not to worry even if I stumble....

November 25, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Sow Seeds

Twelve years from now, your future self is going to thank you for something you did today, for an asset you began to build, a habit you formed, a seed you planted. Even if you’re not sure of where it will lead, today’s the day to begin. — Seth Godin, A note from 2030 Indeed! That is exactly what I learnt the hard way! But Jason today thanks young Jason for investing and saving up, so that he could live through bad times … and good ones....

November 3, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza