Note to Self Footnotes Using Littlefoot.js

Courtesy dothegreenthing, CC BY-NC 2.0, on Flickr I have this amazing urge never to leave well enough alone.1 The blog uses an amazing theme, called PaperMod. And ofcourse, like I said, because I can’t leave well enough alone, I’ve customised it heavily.2 The fonts are different, there are various kinds of slight colour changes, I bullied Aditya into showing me how to build a Menu, there are lots of custom Hugo shortcodes and there were footnotes powered by a nifty little Javascript library called littlefoot....

February 28, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

Get Hugo to Show Images in Links When Shared on Social Networks

Whenever I post a link to one of my posts on the fediverse or share it with my friends on Signal, I just get a plain vanilla link box I wanted those rich embeds, other folk seemed to have, on the same mediums, that I would share my links on. Looking around for how to go about doing this, led me to, which taught me the whys and wherefores....

February 11, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

Viewing Hugo Server Output Remotely

I’ve been living a little dangerously when posting stuff on the blog. While it’s true that I compose my posts locally on my desktop, with a locally installed Hugo, I always catch a ton of things that I miss, after I publish a post. Nearly every single time. So the process then becomes … Open the post on the server in Emacs (after logging in, via ssh) Make an edit. Build and publish....

February 11, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

Huginn: the Rube Goldbergness of Updating Hugo

Click the pic to embiggen. Rube Goldberg illustration via James Vaughan Ended up too sick to even tinker, since I last wrote. Well enough now, to scratch out some prose to get my brains in gear. Let’s start with Huginn adventure #1. Buckle up! Background I found Huginn, and am using it as my man friday.1 The “Problem” I run Hugo on two three machines. I’m tired of updating to the latest release manually....

March 13, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learned Today (9th of February, 2023)

Regex Started doing regex exercises, so i don’t get bored doing only python. will alternate them for now Using Practice Makes Regexp. I have only the book though. It’s now expanded to include video solutions too. Highly recommend any of Reuven’s courses Set up environment and did one exercise which was to look up the user’s input in a dictionary (a word dictionary. not a programming dictionary) Linux Mint Yesterday’s work was for naught Devops Kubernetes, began doing some exercises Set up the environment today Spoke with a friend about practicing Ansible / Devops stuff Learnt about putting in environment variables into a docker compose file and then using them in a Django container Hugo Diddled with the code element font size on the blog, to make it look a little larger Urdu Learnt about the “tashdiid” symbol that helps add emphasis to a consonant Physical Fitness Nearing the end of my month long journey....

February 9, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learned Today (8th of February, 2023)

Don’t know if it’s the gym or the regular work beat, but I seem to be waking up later and later everyday. I don’t know what to do about this. I feel a little anxious about not having enough hours in the day. Python Why use comprehensions? Because it reads better. Like I advice the young ones in DPGLUG on writing. Write short, choppy sentences. They read better. With my problem sets … I should stop trying to generalise in advance and solve the specific problem first....

February 8, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learned Today (6th of February, 2023)

Everything went to hell in a handbasket today. Time was short. I got up late. I forgot, I had physio. So most things got slightly abbreviated or dropped. Python Did not complete my assignment. Flunked it again. But on the plus side, those 45 minutes were some of the hardest thinking and iterating, I have done in weeks. So there’s that. And on the plusser1 side, I am proud of having stopped and then looked for help....

February 6, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Notes to Self, on Self Hosting Fonts on My Hugo Blog

Writing this down, so that I will not struggle the next time1, I have to do this. I use Valkyrie for everything on the blog in various weights, except for code and preformatted stuff, which uses Source Code Pro Medium. Both are WOFF2 fonts. Anything in Hugo’s assets/css/extended folder will be picked up by Hugo and bundled into a single CSS file. The fonts are in subdirectories in the static/fonts/font-name folder....

October 9, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Line Numbers in Hugo Codeblocks

I want my code blocks on the blog to sometimes have line numbers. Looking at the Hugo docs here and here led me to the linenos argument. While we’d start our code blocks like (```python)1, all I need more is to add the line number argument like so. Vanilla code block … print(f""" “It’s silly to try to escape other people’s faults. They are inescapable. Just try to escape your own....

September 17, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Drafts App Needs Escaping if I Am to Use Hugo Shortcodes

When I finally figured out how to get line breaks working on my microblog, I ran into another sort of hiccough, when I tried doing that from my phone. I use the Drafts app on my phone and tablet to slice and dice all manner of text and to send it to various locations as I please. One of those is a workflow, that lets me shoot text to a folder on my server which is then published (via a script) on the microblog....

September 14, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza