Tmux Start Session Maximized With Three Panes
New short ritual to get my writing sessions going
New short ritual to get my writing sessions going
Finally figured out how to disable RSS feeds on a post by post basis. I needed to do this for my stream of consciousness / wip / progress notes in the Notes and Miscellanea section I did not want to disable the whole section, because some posts, I do want to leak out. What it boiled down to was getting the RSS template to ignore sites with some parameter set in the front matter. Most posts on the web do a rss_disabled: true or something to that effect. ...
The blog is dead! Love live the new sections!
Shortcodes! Hugo Variables in Shortcodes!
Courtesy dothegreenthing, CC BY-NC 2.0, on Flickr ...
Whenever I post a link to one of my posts on the fediverse or share it with my friends on Signal, I just get a plain vanilla link box I wanted those rich embeds, other folk seemed to have, on the same mediums, that I would share my links on. Looking around for how to go about doing this, led me to, which taught me the whys and wherefores. Looking around, a bit more for how to do this with Hugo, led me to this thread, which had this helpful comment by Kaushal Modi, which made be search the Hugo documentation which finally led me here. ...