Weirdly Placed Emacs Org Branches Are Only Cosmetic

Every evening, after my shutdown ritual, I move my current day’s branch to the bottom of my Org Mode file, so I begin the next day at the same fixed place, at line 36.1 The day is done; moving it to the bottom of the pile ...

November 27, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Getting Emacs Windows to Not Be Shy

Figuring out my webapps problem yesterday made me ask myself if I could somehow repurpose that little xdotool script to solve another niche itch that I had. Spoiler alert: It did. I run Emacs as a daemon, and use EmacsClient to connect to the Emacs process. Makes it really ease to launch, work on, sling around and close lots of Emacs windows.1 Which brings me to the hiccough. I launch EmacsClient and a window (frame) does indeed launch, but it just … stays there in the background. ...

November 18, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

On How Emacs Adapts

I love it whenever the Roger Ebert of the Emacs world aka Jon Snader aka irreal, gets his hands on one of my posts and uses it for his insightful annotations. His conclusion is something I totally relate to, because that is exactly what has kept me using Emacs ever since I began using it. It bends to my will. Or as Jon puts it … It’s yet another way that Emacs adapts itself to its users rather than insisting those users adapt themselves to Emacs. ...

November 18, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Having My Emacs Tasks and Notes Ready

Updated: 2023-11-17. Read more below Nearly everything I write is in Emacs.1 It’s been slightly more than two years, since I made the move to using it as my everyday text editor. I have a spartan Emacs config, with only a few customisations, that I found by watching David Wilson aka System Crafters’ Emacs From Scratch #1 video and the rest by searching on the web and asking around on the fediverse. ...

November 16, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacs Can Transparently Encrypt and Decrypt File With Gpg

I’ve been struggling to get org-caldav working on the desktop. Nothing to do with the program itself. It’s excellent, fairly intuitive and really well documented. There just seems to be some gremlin in the works, that does not let the darned calendar see my org files.1 Will keep at it. What this note is for however, was the pleasant realisation that Emacs can transparently work with gpg encrypted files.2 I wanted to keep my calendar user/password credentials in a file, because the to and fro between my Baikal caldav server was generating too many requests for my password. The org-caldav README suggested that I save it all in an .authinfo file, like so. ...

February 28, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Org Mode Subtree Expansion With the Mouse

When I wrote about, ticking off checkboxes in Org Mode, I’d linked to line 101 of org-mouse.el. While I’d read the main summary, I somehow missed line 30 … ;; * subtree expansion/collapse (org-cycle) with the left mouse button Which I accidentally triggered today … After an (accidental) click opens up to … Org Mode continues to delight! Hurrah! ...

February 22, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza