My Experience Learning the Dvorak Keyboard Layout

This post was sent to my newsletter on October 16th, 2020. You really ought to subscribe :) I was wondering about what kind of technical posts, I could write, since I am still learning programming and I did not want to bother you folk, with this is how I learnt to do lists in Python and this is what dictionaries do :) I then realised that it’s been slightly more than a year, I have been touch typing using the Dvorak layout. ...

November 2, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 60, Final post. Goals! September 2018, Start

Getting back to life slowly. Abandoning the idea of the daily posts. Too amorphous for me. Doing short 20 hour projects seems to work better for me. To that end, here are my goals for September 20h of emacs - goal - get familiar 20h of Dvorak - goal - get upto 35wpm walk daily - goal - 10000 steps or 90m daily More as I figure this out. ...

September 8, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza