Learning Backend WebDev, Log #11 - Got a Django Certificate! Some Reflections

Been a few days since I wrote about Django. Last week was a roller coaster personally, so I took things slow. And then got back to a rhythm this week. The daily work’s paid off and I managed to hit a milestone. I got done with my Django course, today! :) Hurrah! Cert online. Some Reflections (in no particular order) I should keep better logs and notes about how I go about doing work....

June 30, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Learning Backend WebDev, Log #10 - A Very Long, and a Really Good Day

I did. I really did have a good work day! I had one of those, whatchacallit, flow states. What I learnt in Django land I learnt nothing! Well I learnt nothing new. I spent the whole day and what little I time I had yesterday, trying to crack the assignment for module three of the course. I struggled and struggled and then, struggled a bit more. The more I write Django, the more intuitive it feels, like I can never make out, what’s provided by Python and what has been built for me by Django....

June 19, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Learning Backend WebDev, Log #8 - Many, Many Relationships

Another day of doing only Django. Not that I’m complaining. Finishing up this Django course is my priority. Followed by PostgreSQL and Data Structures and Algorithms. I just have to do them step by step, one after another. What I learnt in Django land I like calling it Django land. Reminds me of Tarantino’s Django and Candyland. I learnt all about many to many database relationships and how they’re done with models in Django....

June 17, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Learning Backend WebDev, Log #7 - Owning All the Rows

Let’s get on with today’s log! I studied only Django today. Was plagued with rains and power cuts and family stuff. Managed to work well and patiently though. What I learnt in Django land. Owned Rows, that opened my eyes into another dimension to begin with. While I knew that Django supports multiple users, it struck home today, that I was the one to write all the code that supported all those users....

June 16, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Learning Backend WebDev, Log #6 - Focus Followup

Today, I did not quite care how much progress I made. Instead I focussed on getting my focus periods in, like I described yesterday. It’s about an hour earlier than when I usually call it a day. And yet, now that I am checking, I have ‘worked’ fewer actual hours than usual. And I have gotten a bit of exercise and housework done too! (This does not usually happen on a normal study day)...

June 15, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Learning Backend WebDev, Log #3 - Cross Site Request Forgery

Wasn’t quite well today, so took it slow. The Problem The only thing I managed to learn was what a Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF) is, and how Django helps protect against it. The Wikipedia page describes it in painstaking detail, and if you want it described a bit more simply, then Jesse Ruderman does an admirable job. Computerphile does an even better job. I am using this analogy in my head....

June 8, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Learning Backend WebDev, Log #2

I miss writing about what I learn. So I am going to try and begin again. I was too focussed on trying to learn all the stuff as quickly as possible, so I can go job hunt. But I realise, I need to strike some sort of balance between learning slow enough, so that I can learn and document and enjoy vs going full tilt to finish up the blocks that I need....

June 7, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Learning Backend WebDev, Log #1


June 7, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Jason Learns Django - 08

And just like that, this little journey ends. What did I do/learn today? Today was all about deployments. Learnt how to use gunicorn along with nginx to deploy my website. Learnt how to hide my secrets outside my code. My first Django site is live! A few reflections. The project was both harder than I thought it would be, and took less time than I thought it would. I know Django now, but I definitely don’t “know” Django....

April 30, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Jason Learns Django - 07

Today was a little easier. What did I do/learn today? Today was about doing contacts in the app that we are building. Registering visitors and stuff The basic flow was generating another app and doing views and models and wiring them up to pages So this felt like revision of all that I’d learnt over the past few days. Stuff makes some more sense now. I think I will be done in a day or two, but I know I have only scratched the surface of Django....

April 29, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza