Study, Day 9

French The app! the cursed app! Just did the bare minimum today. Programming Practice Didn’t waste tooooo much time today :) Manged to figure out what was actually asked for in Python terms and wrote it down as instructions in the file. working at slowly converting them to code now. All the fussing I did over fonts and setting things up yesterday paid off. The editor has receded to tho background and I can just work. I made progress with the program today. only a tiny bit left. Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Applications The fourth app kicked my butt. got it working, but it was really hard going. done for this week. will attempt next week

August 7, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Study, Day 8

French The app is now buggy, since the last update and crashes on me all the time. Am at it though. Python Practice This is stupid. I spent an hour just setting up my environment all over again. This should teach me to do at least a little bit every day. 1 hour of setup 1 hour of tremendous headscratching No practical reasults. Tomorrow hopefully is a better day. The only positive thing is I feel, my mind has begun to crank again. Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Applications Started watching the videos. Built three tiny apps in rapid succession. Getting my python mojo back. Run out of steam after 3 hours. Ending on a high note, though. will pick up the pieces tomorrow.

August 6, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Books I’ve Read, July Edition

Lots of fantasy, a lovely book of poetry, a beautifully written nonfiction book. All this, on July’s list of books :) July Love Looks Pretty on You, Lang Leav (must read. in my imagination, leav is a talented younger sister, who has been through a lot more and writes her advice just for me, in her poems) Working, Robert Caro (if you haven’t read the Power Broker, you should if you haven’t read the Lyndon volumes, you should this book is Caro’s account of the work, that went into those works. the ceaseless toil, the thankless years, the people and their stories Caro is Caro, master of the craft. There are only a few explicit lessons here. but plenty if you care enough to read between the lines plenty if you make this an annual read, like i will) ...

August 5, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

How To Say No to Others, Better!

Last weeks post seemed to have hit a nerve. Most of you seem to have opened it rather quickly. And then a few of you, complained! Rather quickly. “All this is well and good, but I want to say No, to other people! ” Well, I can help you with that too! Eric Barker, of Barking Up the Wrong Tree fame, has an excellent post on how to do just that! ...

July 29, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Go Bonkers! Do The Work!

— via Neil Gaiman o0moxxie0o asked: Hi I just finished outlining a novel and now I’m worried it’s bonkers. Did you ever worry that something you wrote was too much, or just have second thoughts about what you’re planning? I’m going crazy over this thing. I assume that unless it’s bonkers I’m not doing the work.

July 27, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Study, Day 7

Was on a roll. Went and finished the whole geography textbook. My brains are smoking now. Next step, spaced repetition exercises of all the chapters for two months. MITx, 6.00.1x, Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python Did quite a bit of the course’s exercises. I realise now that I should have just downloaded the course from the Open Courseware site and worked on it at my own pace. The MOOC is excellent, but not for me. I keep missing all sorts of deadlines. My life and the MOOC sadly do not get along. ...

July 27, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza