Forest 404

It calls itself, an eco thriller. But that is selling the series short. It’s a lush, beautiful soundscape. The forests still ring in my ears. The drums still thump. The future is chilly and industrial. The writing and the dialogue are crisp. And most importantly, it has an all woman cast. And that is all I am willing to share. Find the podcast here. It says episodes available indefinitely. So go have fun! I binged it. I’m sure you will too. ...

June 5, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

A Hundred Days of Code, Day 037

More learning. Did about an hour today. Tried figuring out how to read in a csv manually. (and then, he thanks God for libraries) Will keep chugging away at this.

June 5, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

A Hundred Days of Code, Day 036

While the storm passed us by, it bought upon us a day of no power. So I just deciced to make the most of it and read a book, I’ve wanted to, for quite a while. Finished Jon Stokes’, “Inside the Machine”. This book is like a 5000 feet, overview on how the CPU inside a computer works. If you’re curious like me, and don’t want to delve into the nitty-gritties of Computer Science, this is just the book for you. Starting with a fictional CPU and then racing through the Intel/AMD (x86, IA-64, x86-64) and AIM (Apple, IBM, Motorala - PowerPC) line of CPUs, this is a wonderful exposition of how the brains in your computer work. (spoiler, they are really dumb and plenty fast!) ...

June 5, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

A Hundred Days of Code, Day 035

Nothing much done today. But I am learning to pace myself and say stop :) Learnt some, about finding the absolute path of a file. Anyhoo, nothing much I can do. A gigantic, storm’s a-comin’! Time to batten down the hatches.

June 3, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

A Hundred Days of Code, Day 034

Ok, back from hiatus, much earlier than expected :) Need to take care not to burn myself out now. I need to do this slowly. Done with a tiny program, Kushal asked me to write. If you download a log from the DGPLUG log archive and then run the program and give it the filename, it’ll spit out a list of how many nicks, spoke how many words. The code is here, Gitlab and Github ...

June 2, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

The Blog Takes a Short Hiatus

The blog will be silent for a month or so. I need to focus on a couple of other things. Will be back soon. ~

May 23, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza