Emacs, Final Day!

Unlike #100DaysOfCode, I am not quite giving up on Emacs. Rather that it has turned out to be a habit that has fit in, quite well, and I don’t need this accountability any more. I use it for most of my prose (not code, yet.) This post, is in fact, written in Emacs :) I have not gained any modicum of knowledge by any means. But I have enough muscle memory and immersion, to make sure I will continue using Emacs for most writing I do. ...

July 7, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Tiny Habits

In a world where Atomic Habits, did not exist, I’d call Tiny Habits the best book on behavioural change and habit building. Or maybe, I am biased because I read James Clear’s book first. Just like Cal Newport took Anders Ericsson’s work and ran with it; so did James build on BJ Fogg’s. Tiny Habits is lovely, has pretty tables and is a lovely engaging read. If you want to change your behaviour, you simply cannot go wrong by learning from the man, who has taught many of our modern day influencers like Ramit Sethi or Instagram founder, Mike Kreiger. ...

July 6, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacs, Day 05

Practiced moving around with the Emacs keys for 30 mins

July 2, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacs, Day 04

Learnt all about movement and search today.

July 1, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacs, Day 03

Too tired, so just worked my way through the Anki deck for a bit today.

June 30, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Emacs, Day 02

Had an extremely busy day with studies today, so could not spend time learning much Emacs. Decided to do a little bit of plucking the low hanging fruit and customising Emacs a bit to my liking. I created an init.el file in the emacs.d folder in my home directory, to add all my custom stuff into. Adding Package Managers Yesterday, I had learnt, that I could install additional functionality by downloading extra Emacs packages from the GNU repo at ELPA. But since the FSF requires the authors to fork over their copyrights to them, (and most authors being justifiably, unwilling), most packages are found at third party package sites, like MELPA and the now discontinued Marmalade. ...

June 29, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza