A Good First Day

Was a really good day to ease back into Python today. I got my VS Code up and running. I got a personal [Gitea instance][crjw] up, to host my code, from where I will syndicate it to Github and Gitlab. And finally I got a projects page up, to slowly fill up with projects. I also managed to improve an old program I wrote for myself, but I’ll write about that in the next post. All in all, a day well spent. A journey well begun. ...

November 11, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Getting Back on the Horse

Ok, one more time. I know there have been lots of one more times before, but I am going to keep at this until I get proficient enough at this to land a job :) And while I may not be brainy enough, the one thing I can do is be persistent enough to show up. This time, I will focus on building tiny projects. I realise my life is too chaotic for #100DaysofCode. But I can do this, one tiny thing at a time. ...

November 11, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

My Experience Learning the Dvorak Keyboard Layout

This post was sent to my newsletter on October 16th, 2020. You really ought to subscribe :) I was wondering about what kind of technical posts, I could write, since I am still learning programming and I did not want to bother you folk, with this is how I learnt to do lists in Python and this is what dictionaries do :) I then realised that it’s been slightly more than a year, I have been touch typing using the Dvorak layout. ...

November 2, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learnt from Antifragile (II)

This post was sent to my newsletter on October 18th, 2020 You really ought to subscribe :) What I Learnt from Antifragile (II) I fell sick and missed writing last week. I have to live up the name of the news letter, anyhoo. It would not be erratic without me whiffing once in a while, non? Apologies all around, anyway! The Barbell Heuristic to Taking Risks Basically a shortcut to figuring out whether you ought to do something or not, based on the risks it entails. How do we take a decision, when we don’t know all the pros and cons? How do we decide in an uncertain world? Simply put, ...

November 1, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learnt from Antifragile (I)

There seems never to be the right time to write or the right amount that I could learn from Antifragile, so I’m just going to take a long, rambling stab at it this morning. It will be a living document that I’ll keep adding to on the blog, sooner or later, but for now, this is just for you, my dear newsletter1 family. Here goes … While I love the way he writes, I don’t have that much a familiarity with English that, I can easily process stuff like this, every time I just want to grab a principle quickly. ...

October 18, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

You are Awesome

I want to keep reading books and stories about how folks pick themselves up. It helps me deal with the storms in my life better. It assures me I am not alone. And people often have it worse. Neil Pasricha shares his story in You are Awesome. Most of which are relates with everything we face in our lives. And I was meh. But he also shares his parents stories. And those are really, really inspiring. ...

September 27, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza