My Plan for the New Year

My plan for the new year … A final thought from Atomic Habits as we start the new year: “Improvements are only temporary until they become part of who you are. The goal is not to read a book, the goal is to become a reader. The goal is not to run a marathon, the goal is to become a runner. The goal is not to learn an instrument, the goal is to become a musician. ...

January 1, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learnt from Antifragile (IV)

This post was first sent to my newsletter on November 7th, 2020. You really ought to subscribe :) What I Learnt from Antifragile (IV) In a world with too much choice … Lindy is the cure via Screenrant So here’s a little distinction I learnt. We, who are about to die, mortals need to become antifragile. We know, we are going to die someday, and are always being buffeted by the storms of life, so we seek to get stronger. ...

December 28, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

No letters for a while, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

My email program, was somehow hacked into last week, and close to 3000 spam mails were sent out in the course of a few minutes. While I was able to serendipitously catch it as soon as it happened, I apologise if you were the recepient of unsavoury stuff from my email address. I am now in the process of rebuilding everything. letter at janusworx dot com is the new home from where these letters will be sent from. Please add this address to your contacts, so that I do not end up in your spam :) ...

December 21, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Books I Read, November 2020

This post was first sent to my newsletter on November 30th, 2020. You really ought to subscribe :) Now that life is picking back up, I have slowed down on the reading. I stuck to fiction this month. Only this month was at my normal pace 😄 The speed demon of September and October is no more 😂 Actually I stuck with Jack Reacher this month. I thought I would be done with him, but he does not seem to be done with me. There was another new Reacher published last month, to be tacked on to the end of the queue. ...

December 14, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Shower Thoughts, The Speed of Learning With Various Media

This post was first sent to my newsletter on November 23rd, 2020. You really ought to subscribe :) A quickie for all you fellow epistemophiliacs. I may have written something about this somewhere, but this still rankles my brain enough, that I want to put it down in a note. Learning across various subjects, as I have been for the past two years (12th, college, programming, and the rest), for a short while, I was obsessed about the best way, the fastest way, the most efficient way to learn something. ...

December 7, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Books I Read, October 2020

This post was first sent to my newsletter on November 2nd, 2020. You really ought to subscribe :) Nothing really exciting this month. I had lots of work and could not quite focus on reading hard books or non fiction. I needed to escape from the humdrum of life So, I read a lot of Jack Reacher. I decided to read all of the Lee Child novels featuring the character. And all of that, started because I read a book, that followed Lee Child around for a year, describing his writing process and the work that goes into a Reacher novel. It’s been fun, reading. Like meeting an old friend. Considering that he writes about one a year, I find it slightly alarming that I have now read seventeen years of Child’s work in a month. ...

November 30, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza