Programming, Day 48

One way you realise you are making progress is when you realise you’re using the skills you learn elsewhere too. Finished my duolingo session today with my raw “asdf” touch typing skills. I’m slowly internalising touch typing. Stil quite aways to go, though :) Updates: 13.00, Did Vim Anki and used touch typing there too 14.45, 15 mins of gtypist. Loving it now, despite the pain it causes :) 15.00, Beginning Lutz Chapter 4, NUmbers in Action Overloading and Polymorphism, Python itself overloads some opertaors such that they perform different actions depending on the type of buily-in objects being processed. For example, the + operator performs addition when applied to numbers but concatenation when applied to sequence objects like strings and lists. This property is usually called polymorphism 22.00, Chapter 6 of the Lutz book done. It’s a small one called A Dynamic Interlude, but it cleared so many huhs for me. ...

August 5, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 47

Late start to the day today. Was busy moving a table from mum’s place to mine. This should help my back a lot! Updates: 7p, Getting better with gtypist. 8.15p, Done with Vim 8.20p, No Python Apps tonight 22.33, Just understood the difference between generic sequence operations and methods (my aha for the day!) You can run generic sequence operation across the core object types. For e.g. I can run the len function on strings, or numbers or lists. Methods, are object specific. I can only run numeric methods on numbers and string methods on strings. This probably is why you run generic operations in front of a type, like type(s) and methods as a .whatever like s.isupper. Lutz shows me another quick rule of thumb; when you run the dir function on an object it should list the generic operations with underscores e.g. __len__ and methods just show up as plain attributes later in the listing e.g. swapcase 11.57p, Done with Chapter 4 of the Lutz book. Final big insight for future reference. Polymorphism means that the meaning of an operation (like a +) depends on the objects being operated upon. This turns out to be a key idea (perhaps the key idea) behind using Python well—not censtraining code to specific types makes that code automatically applicable to many types. ![gtypist screenshot](images/2018/gt2.jpg)

August 4, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 46

Am really enjoying practicing Vim and Python syntax with my Anki decks. Will start doing 10 mins of touch typing daily. My young friends in the DGPLUG irc channel, all seem to have gained wings with their typing speeds. Given up on the #100daysofcode for now. Current strategy is to … Read theory (Lutz) Practice programs Ask friends to give me more programs. Updates 2p, Restarting the Lutz book. Got lost. 2.15p, Just realised why I love Vim. Vim makes me want to write. 3.20p, Also realised I’d bought myself a beginner Talk Python to Me, course a while back. I could use this for point 2 above. 6.30p, Two baby apps done. 10.45p, Did chapters 1 & 2 of the Lutz Book. 11p, Did 10 minutes of Gtypist. As you can see below, there’s a lo–oong way to go :P ![2018-08-03-gtypist-porgress](images/2018/gt1.jpg)

August 3, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Learning Aha

I’ve been moaning and bitching the past couple of years about how smart I was in my teens and how I could learn any darn thing I set my mind to, then. My school grades did not reflect it though. And these days, my consulting solutions have been top notch, and yet, I struggle to sharpen the saw. What gives? It struck me today, as I finished watching some Python videos along my struggling Python journey, that I was understanding the concepts much better than I had in the past few months. ...

August 2, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 45

Linode mailed me complaining that average CPU usage was 90% over the past couple of hours! Culprit turned out to be the headless dropbox client I’d installed the day before. Lessson learnt. Switched to periodic rysnc via a cron job. Nothing else done today. Still sick as a dog. Watched a couple of Python tutorials

August 2, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 44

Learnt a new trick to drive home my Vim skills. I use the Anki Deck, and before I answer, I actually try the question out on a document to see if I got it right. Seems to be building muscle memory much faster than I could by just practicing or by just memorising. I love the immediate feedback loop! Should try this out with my math rote exercises too. Charted out a plan for the Lutz book. 2 Chapters or a 100 pages a day, whichever is less. This should let me finish the book in 20 days. Trying to figure out a way to structurally practice tiny problems too. That #100daysofcode research is still pending. Will hopefully do it tomorrow. Have a full day at work today. ...

August 1, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza