Programming, Day 3, Setting up VS Code to launch from the Command Line in OS X

Problem: I wanted to launch Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code from the command line at will. What I did: Launch VS Code Hit cmd-shift-p (⌘-⇧-P) Begin to type Shell … and choose and execute “Shell Command: Install ‘code’ command in PATH” Launch Terminal and check to see if VS Code launches by typing the code command. Edit the .bash_profile file in the home folder and change the $EDITOR variable like so … # Setting Visual Studio Code as $EDITOR export VISUAL=code export EDITOR="$VISUAL" ...

June 5, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 2

Worked a little bit more on the blog yesterday. Nothing worked out though Maybe if this post, publishes, atleast one tiny bit might

June 5, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 1

Lost my May posts. So I don’t know how many days I’ve lost. But it’s been atleast three days of hectic work at building the blog. So I’ll count them as day 1 and start over again!

June 3, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Numbers in Python

Or atleast my understanding of them.1 In Python, numbers are not really a single object type, but a category of similar types.2 They include Integer and Floating point objects Complex numbers Decimal: Fixed Precision Objects Fractions Sets Booleans Built-in functions (math, random) Post subject to revision as my understanding changes over time ↩︎ Lutz, Mark. Learning Python (5th Ed) ↩︎

May 23, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Do You PEP?

Short new series for me. Quick and Dirty Programming Posts They’ll be tagged qdpp. They’ll be raw, error prone and mostly works in progress. A few reasons to help me write for a few minutes (publicly) daily. I’ve realised slow and steady is a good way to build a body of work, (Godin, Kushal). Even if the beginning is slow and shitty. to save myself searching the web for stuff I need to have handy. these are primarily for me, and me alone. If they help you as well, that’s a bonus! Let’s start with PEP. ...

November 16, 2017 · Mario Jason Braganza