Programming, Day 60, Final post. Goals! September 2018, Start

Getting back to life slowly. Abandoning the idea of the daily posts. Too amorphous for me. Doing short 20 hour projects seems to work better for me. To that end, here are my goals for September 20h of emacs - goal - get familiar 20h of Dvorak - goal - get upto 35wpm walk daily - goal - 10000 steps or 90m daily More as I figure this out. Daily programming is dead!...

September 8, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 59

Getting better at Dvorak. Not as fast as I like, but I’m getting there.

August 25, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 58

Doubt I’ll ever increase my typing speed by 50% ever again! 😂 ![gt18](images/2018/gt18.jpg)

August 22, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 57

Back to work. Starting slow. Still sick. So all I’m doing is switching to Dvorak and continuing daily progress. BEHOLD! My awesomness at Dvorak! 😂

August 21, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 56

Nothing’ll happen this week pretty much. Dealing with some personal health issues.

August 15, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 55

Updates: Much better at gtypist lesson Q1 Also automated resizing and compressing my gtypist screenshots via an Automator folder action Done with Chapter 9 of the Lutz Book. I now know of tuples and strings ![Automator Screenshot](images/2018/automategt.jpg) ![gtypist screenshot gt16](images/2018/gt16.jpg) ---

August 12, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 54

Nothing to do today. Lazy weekend! Updates: Daily use of Vim continues. Combining it (for the daily posts at least) with touch typing. Everything is terribly slow! It can only get better from here out :) Completed all of lesson Q1 in gtypist today again. Went faster this time. Confident enough to start Q2, Monday onwards. Learnt how to configure basic authentication on an Nginx site. Feel like I can manage my own stuff now....

August 11, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 53

Updates: Done with the whole first lesson in Gtypist today! All 8 levels! Yippee! Finished another baby app, that tells you how many days to your birthday. Finished up, chapter 8 of the Lutz book. Dictionaries make so much more sense now.

August 10, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 52

Updates: 15 mins each, of Gtypist & Vim done

August 9, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Programming, Day 51

Upgraded to Nikola v8, b3 today. And now, I realise the amount of stress, virtual environments like conda and pip, alleviate. All I had to do was backup my blog, create a new nikola environment and run it against the blog folder. And while everything went well, I rested easy knowing that I could get everything back to the way it was :) Updates: Last Vim update. Am fairly ok with using it as my daily text editor now....

August 8, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza