Tmux Start Session Maximized With Three Panes

New short ritual to get my writing sessions going

February 1, 2025 · Mario Jason Braganza

Getting Emacs Windows to Not Be Shy

Figuring out my webapps problem yesterday made me ask myself if I could somehow repurpose that little xdotool script to solve another niche itch that I had. Spoiler alert: It did. I run Emacs as a daemon, and use EmacsClient to connect to the Emacs process. Makes it really ease to launch, work on, sling around and close lots of Emacs windows.1 Which brings me to the hiccough. I launch EmacsClient and a window (frame) does indeed launch, but it just … stays there in the background. ...

November 18, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Getting Around Linux Mint Web App Manager Window Errors

One of best parts of using Linux Mint is its Web Apps Manager. I can use most of my websites as dedicated applications now. Case in point, I use a dedicated web app to run Elk, the web client for Mastodon. Social stuff like this, or banking stuff or my webmail for that matter, stays away from the rest of my browsing and lets me keep these activities cognitively separate. ...

November 17, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Restart Emacs on System Startup

This post was originaly published on 2022-09-27. Updated 2022-09-28, to include the improved script. It’s been a year, since I figured out the hack that finally let me use my Compose key in Emacs.1 Without it, I am unable to type any kind of quotation marks or umlauts in emacs. A year in, and I’m tired of restarting the service everytime the machine comes on. The computer can do that for me. ...

September 28, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Tomorrow is Another Date

Org mode is slowly spreading its tentacles increasingly becoming something, I cannot live without, to manage my day. And I’m getting pretty consistent with it too! Like you see above, I use dates as my headlines, below which I list the various tasks for the day.1 And that’s where I run into my current itch to scratch. ...

July 31, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

NeXTSTEP, Shopify and Bash History

This post was first sent to my newsletter on April 23rd, 2021. You really ought to subscribe :) Welcome to a tech edition of the letter. I’m trying something new with this now, since I am in that strange valley, where I don’t know enough about programming to write opinions of my own and yet I need to talk to my techie friends. So, taking a leaf out of Kushal’s newsletter, I will share stuff that I come across as I read. And reading and jabbering about tech is something I can do. And the stuff I share will definitely be the best links and articles I find from the wide variety of sites I read. At most three a letter; I don’t want to overwhelm you :) So, like Kushal, but not as niche as him. Definitely not wide ranging either. Let’s see :) Also, please let me know how you like it :) Here we go … ...

April 30, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza