Make Bad Things

Art by Amanda Domagala, on Tumblr Amanda says, “Make bad things, instead of making nothing” Something similar that’s been drummed into my head innumerable times over the years, by many mentors: “If you cannot do it well, do it badly.” :) If you love doing something, if you want to do something … do it. Does not matter how poorly or badly its done. You’re going to love it nonetheless....

April 15, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

Ursula Vernon on Unrealistic Expectations and Eating Bread

If you’re ever feeling guilty about not cooking a fresh home-cooked meal, a reminder that people in cities historically either had cooks or ate at food stalls, going back to Ancient Greece. Ancient Egypt, too, although since everybody ate bread, beer, and onions, less of a thing. It’s a weird quirk of our obsession with nuclear families that everybody is expected to have time, skill, and equipment to cook daily and that if you’re a woman, particularly, you are a lesser person if you aren’t casually able to cook every day with random fresh ingredients....

March 5, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

Poor Ceres Always Gets the Short End of the Stick

Courtesy, NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA, Public Domain, via Wikipedia I just finished Tamsyn Muir’s Nona, last month. And of course, I’m now stuck along with the rest of the world waiting for Alecto to come along.1 In the meanwhile I’m having fun with the rest of the world, dissecting the old books to pieces with various pieces of headcanon and wild theories, one of the popular ones being trying to find analogies between the houses of the books and our solar system...

February 12, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

On How the Kubernetes v1.29 Logo Came About

Kubernetes v1.29 was released a couple of days ago. And just like every other release before it, it has a distinct name and theme (Mandala) as well as its own unique logo. In whose creation, I’m proud to say, I had a part to play! The logo! Look, how pretty! It all began when I helped the v1.29 Release Lead, mentee and trouble-maker in general, Priyanka Saggu set up her blog in 2018....

December 15, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Free! Not Cheap.

I found this image on Austin Kleon’s blog a few days ago, and it set me to thinking about these newsletters of mine. I would love to think of them, the same way. They are free, but definitely not cheap :) Not to toot my own horn, but for all their recent brevity, it still is a process that involves a lot of reading, and thinking and curating and writing....

March 2, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza