What I Learnt from Antifragile (V)

This post was first sent to my newsletter on November 16th, 2020. You really ought to subscribe :) Teaching Birds How to Fly, & Skin in the Game! via pixabay This probably is the last post, I have on Antifragile, for now. These lessons over the past few weeks are those, that have sunk in for me, and something that I use on a daily basis. I’ll write more as I learn and internalise some new piece of wisdom (knowing the book, I’m sure I will)....

January 18, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learnt from Antifragile (IV)

This post was first sent to my newsletter on November 7th, 2020. You really ought to subscribe :) What I Learnt from Antifragile (IV) In a world with too much choice … Lindy is the cure via Screenrant So here’s a little distinction I learnt. We, who are about to die, mortals need to become antifragile. We know, we are going to die someday, and are always being buffeted by the storms of life, so we seek to get stronger....

December 28, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learnt from Antifragile (III)

This post was sent to my newsletter on October 25th, 2020. You really ought to subscribe :) What I Learnt from Antifragile (III) What Does Not Kill Me … Antifragility for the Collective What does not kill me makes me stronger. — Friedrich Nietzsche, Maxims and Arrows The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially....

November 15, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learnt from Antifragile (II)

This post was sent to my newsletter on October 18th, 2020 You really ought to subscribe :) What I Learnt from Antifragile (II) I fell sick and missed writing last week. I have to live up the name of the news letter, anyhoo. It would not be erratic without me whiffing once in a while, non? Apologies all around, anyway! The Barbell Heuristic to Taking Risks Basically a shortcut to figuring out whether you ought to do something or not, based on the risks it entails....

November 1, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learnt from Antifragile (I)

There seems never to be the right time to write or the right amount that I could learn from Antifragile, so I’m just going to take a long, rambling stab at it this morning. It will be a living document that I’ll keep adding to on the blog, sooner or later, but for now, this is just for you, my dear newsletter1 family. Here goes … While I love the way he writes, I don’t have that much a familiarity with English that, I can easily process stuff like this, every time I just want to grab a principle quickly....

October 18, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza