Note to Self, Emacs Help Stuff
Various things, when rooting around for help in Emacs
Various things, when rooting around for help in Emacs
Your life, your experience, your scars make you who you are!
I got my greedy paws on a Raspberry Pi 5 last month. Probably the Pi after this, will be the one at which I will say these are good enough and stop my “get ’em as soon as they are available” manic buying spree over the past few years. I use it as a music jukebox (with Jellyfin), as a place to host my audiobooks/files, as well as a syncthing node. Occasionally I will download and transcode videos I find interesting, with yt-dlp. ...
Courtesy, NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA, Public Domain, via Wikipedia I just finished Tamsyn Muir’s Nona, last month. And of course, I’m now stuck along with the rest of the world waiting for Alecto to come along.1 In the meanwhile I’m having fun with the rest of the world, dissecting the old books to pieces with various pieces of headcanon and wild theories, one of the popular ones being trying to find analogies between the houses of the books and our solar system ...
Whenever I post a link to one of my posts on the fediverse or share it with my friends on Signal, I just get a plain vanilla link box I wanted those rich embeds, other folk seemed to have, on the same mediums, that I would share my links on. Looking around for how to go about doing this, led me to, which taught me the whys and wherefores. Looking around, a bit more for how to do this with Hugo, led me to this thread, which had this helpful comment by Kaushal Modi, which made be search the Hugo documentation which finally led me here. ...
I want to write better. And the best way to do that, is to write more. Thinking about which, immediately kills the urge to write, because I take really long to write anything. And the actual writing, is very arduous to me. So what to do? I guess I need to just lower the bar. Do less. More consistently. And then serendipitiously, as they say, when the student is ready, the master appears. David Kadavy’s conducting a 100 Word Writing Habit Online Course, this month. He seemed to be in the same rut as I am now. ...