- #100DaysOfCode 114
- #100DaysOfPython 1
- #30DaysOfEmacs 7
- 100wordhabit 55
- A Few Lessons from Sherlock Holmes 1
- abbygail 2
- aiwtkiwigtdsingt 1
- anki 1
- AnnualBookList 1
- antifragile 5
- art 5
- Artemis 1
- Arunachal Pradesh 1
- atomic habits 2
- audio 1
- austria 2
- automation 3
- babel 3
- bash 6
- biography 1
- blog 1
- blogging 6
- book-notes 63
- books 65
- br-notes 3
- Cal Newport 1
- calibre 3
- Carlton Gibson 1
- certbot 2
- cinnamon 1
- cnc2021 11
- code 1
- codemore 10
- codenewbie 16
- consistency 1
- Conspiracy 1
- containers 1
- css 1
- cursive 1
- daily-programming 59
- daily-writing 1
- dates 1
- design 1
- devops 13
- devto 16
- dgplug 466
- dictionary 2
- discipline 1
- django 21
- do the work 3
- docker 1
- documentation 1
- dpglug 1
- drafts 1
- dsa 1
- dvorak 2
- elipsa 2
- emacs 38
- emby 1
- entertainment 1
- espanso 1
- ethics 1
- eulogy 5
- europe 28
- fanfiction 1
- fedora 1
- ffmpeg 1
- finland 4
- firefox 1
- flamingoes 1
- flamingos 1
- flask 8
- focus 2
- fonts 1
- food 1
- Footnotes 1
- forgejo 1
- France 2
- French 6
- friendship 1
- FujiXS20 1
- git 2
- gmail 1
- go 1
- goals 11
- goals201809 1
- golang 1
- gratitude 67
- habits 1
- handwriting 1
- happy anniversary 11
- happy birthday 18
- happy new year 2
- hardware 7
- health 1
- heuristics 1
- history 4
- htpasswd 1
- huginn 5
- hugo 16
- imagemagick 1
- india 1
- inspiration 4
- ios 1
- Iron Widow 1
- italy 22
- Jason Learns Django 8
- jasonlearnsdjango 9
- jasonlearnsjavascript 1
- jasonlearnspostgres 3
- jasonlearnspython 7
- jellyfin 1
- keyboard 1
- kindle 2
- kinesis 1
- kobo 2
- kubernetes 3
- ladakh 1
- Languages 1
- learning 2
- learning-resources 1
- lego 1
- letsencrypt 2
- life 6
- linux 51
- linux-mint 1
- littlefoot.js 1
- llm 1
- loc 9
- logo 1
- love 9
- mail 1
- manjaro 1
- maria-popova 1
- maths 5
- memoriam 5
- memory 1
- mental models 2
- merry christmas 2
- miniflux 5
- mint 1
- mit6001x 7
- mjb-what-i-learned 14
- mjbBabbles 2
- mosh 1
- mothers day 1
- nature 16
- nemo 1
- netherlands 1
- new beginnings 1
- newsletter 112
- nginx 1
- nikola 1
- note-taking 2
- notes 2
- NoteToSelf 52
- nutrition 1
- opinion 1
- org-mode 14
- osx 1
- pacing 1
- parable 1
- Paris 1
- pathtoprogrammingcareer 11
- perseverance 1
- persistence 2
- personal finance 4
- philosophy 5
- photography 152
- physics 1
- pinboard 1
- planetemacs 5
- planetgo 2
- planetpostgres 3
- planetpython 52
- plex 1
- poetry 9
- portraits 65
- procrastination 1
- productivity 4
- programming 139
- projects 3
- ps 1
- psion 1
- pushover 1
- pycharm 1
- python 149
- python-advanced-python-data-structures 3
- python-iterators-generators 1
- pythonbasics 2
- pythoncomprehensions 2
- pythonfunctions 3
- pythonoop 7
- pythonprojects 2
- qotd 46
- quodlibet 1
- quotes 2
- R F Kuang 1
- rants 2
- raspberry pi 4
- reading 102
- recursion 1
- reference 12
- reflection 2
- regex 4
- relationships 1
- rss 2
- rsync 1
- rust 1
- RustLang 1
- sapiens 1
- scribbles 73
- scripting 2
- scrollstack 1
- show-up-do-the-work 4
- Skin in the Game 3
- sql 1
- ssh 1
- stoicism 1
- study 9
- stuff i like 6
- subscribe 1
- summer-training 1
- syncthing 1
- syntopica 24
- talk 1
- tech 4
- The Art of Thinking Clearly 1
- The First 20 Hours 1
- the little prince 1
- The Personal MBA 1
- The Race for Paradise 1
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck 1
- touch typing 1
- Travel 30
- troubleshooting 1
- twitter 1
- ultralearning 1
- urdu 15
- Ursula Vernon 1
- Versailles 1
- vm 1
- vscode 2
- webapps 1
- webdev 4
- Willpower 1
- wip-projects 6
- writing 71
- zettelkasten 4