Seven Years, cartoon at XKCD

Randall Munroe posted this yesterday1 methinks, or the day before.

And I immediately cried.2

When Abby was diagnosed with cervical cancer two years ago, the docs said we should be grateful, she had the non life threatening kind.
Even so, the last two years have been full of ups and downs and lots of uncertainty.
(We’ll be at the “How long does it take to read a scan?” stage again soon as we checkup after two years)

I think I understand a little of what Becky & Kate are going through, having gone through some of it ourselves.
And I have no words to express what Becky must be going through or how Kate must be holding up.

All I can do is pray.

If you would, please go help Becky here

And Abby, 2018? It’s a date!

  1. Today is the 15th of December, 2017. ↩︎

  2. So did Abby, once she read this ↩︎