Dad “He’s dead?” said Princess. […] “Who told you that?” said Grandad. “We keep that name moving in the Overhead,” he said, and it seemed to Princess that the wind in the shutter arrays above her blew more forlornly […] His name is in the code, in the wind, in the rigging, and the shutters. Haven’t you ever heard the saying, ...

August 25, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Mandy Brown Celebrates Fifteen Years of Her Blog

This was a thread on my fediverse account, that grew too long. Posting it here, all together, the way my thoughts spilled out. All I knew about Mandy Brown when I began following her a year ago is she has a doggie called Furiosa she thinks about books the way I do she reads books and then writes about reading them, the way I always dreamed I could she’s a prominent member of my circle of the Eminent Dead Today, as she celebrates the quinceanera of her blog, I realised that she also: ...

June 15, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Things That Last

Just something that kept coming to mind today. I met an old friend the other day. We’d fallen out of touch and gone our separate ways. We were both gifted watches by another friend of ours at the time. And they pointed out to me, I was still wearing the same watch. I gently pointed out to them, that this watch was a different one, something the better half gifted me just after we got married. This is a white dial, see. The old one was blue. And then we moved on to other things. What I didn’t tell them, was that I still have the old one. It’s battered. It’s scratched. It works. It keeps perfect time. It’s beautiful.1 ...

March 31, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Learnt the Urdu Alphabet

Finally done with learning the Urdu alphabet. Inordinately proud of myself :) Now to go begin, reading slowly and building up my vocabulary. Feedback on this post? Mail me at feedback@janusworx.com P.S. Subscribe to my mailing list! Forward these posts and letters to your friends and get them to subscribe! P.P.S. Feed my insatiable reading habit. ...

February 22, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

Books Saved My Life

This post was first sent to my newsletter on January 27, 2023. You really ought to subscribe :) From A Velocity of Being. Art by Yara Kono An extract from the page I read today from A Velocity of Being. ...

February 10, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza

What I Learned Today (9th of February, 2023)

Regex Started doing regex exercises, so i don’t get bored doing only python. will alternate them for now Using Practice Makes Regexp. I have only the book though. It’s now expanded to include video solutions too. Highly recommend any of Reuven’s courses Set up environment and did one exercise which was to look up the user’s input in a dictionary (a word dictionary. not a programming dictionary) Linux Mint Yesterday’s work was for naught Devops Kubernetes, began doing some exercises Set up the environment today Spoke with a friend about practicing Ansible / Devops stuff Learnt about putting in environment variables into a docker compose file and then using them in a Django container Hugo Diddled with the code element font size on the blog, to make it look a little larger Urdu Learnt about the “tashdiid” symbol that helps add emphasis to a consonant Physical Fitness Nearing the end of my month long journey. Have gotten over the pain hump, but the personal trainer isn’t quite sympatico with my needs. He’s a good egg, but we seem to be talking past each other. Wonder what to do when my time is up mid week next. Did legs today. Went well. Jogged 10m after. Walked 30m after that. Feedback on this post? Mail me at feedback@janusworx.com P.S. Subscribe to my mailing list! Forward these posts and letters to your friends and get them to subscribe! P.P.S. Feed my insatiable reading habit. ...

February 9, 2023 · Mario Jason Braganza