A Transcript of Seth Godin’s Akimbo Episode on Blogging

If you haven’t subscribed to Seth Godin’s podcast already, well then what on earth are you doing? I’d written about it here on the home blog and you can go subscribe here. This episode (Season 2, Episode 1) on blogging is very important to me. I think it’s a distillation of all of Seth’s thoughts about writing and blogging in a crisp, crackling 20 minute episode. I wanted this for permanant reference, so I thought, I’d transcribe it for myself, and then I thought, well, if it helps me, it’ll surely help others. ...

June 17, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Happy with the new shiny!

Nikola is wonderful.

June 1, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Margin

This post is for my younger colleagues on the student planet. Yes kids, this is a long post. Suck it up and read it over the weekend. This is important stuff. And please go, read this on the blog. Introduction In The Intelligent Investor, published in 1949, Benjamin Graham1 wrote: In the old legend the wise men finally boiled down the history of mortal affairs into the single phrase, “This too will pass.” ...

May 31, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Intention

Note: This series and words of opinion are also aimed at the Student Planet. OK, I’ve changed my mind. Before, I talk tactics, let me tell you something about intention. All intention means to me is, “I, Decide!” I decide how to feel. I decide how to invest my money. I decide if I want to be fit or not. I decide whether to pursue that career or that degree. Or not. I decide whether I want to jump on the bed, every morning or not. ...

May 31, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

Want to Focus? All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes

This post is squarely aimed at my younger colleagues on the student planet. While all of us will definitely benefit, this is for them. Update: The planet strips video embeds. So, please read it on the blog to get the right flow. Links to the videos also at end of post if you do not wish to leave the planet window Mamata Venkat1 set out to be a doctor (her passion; or so she thought), started out as pre-med and got halfway through her freshman year (first year) of college before she realised medicine wasn’t for her. She went on to switch majors about four times before finally landing on international studies and eventually choosing public health. ...

May 31, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Capturing Value; my newest mental model

![np_lightbulb_1262982_000000l](/images/2018/03/np_lightbulb_1262982_000000l.png) I’ve found it difficult to figure out why I did not make money (or at least intentionally make money, not counting my lucky breaks) as I expected to, in the old consulting gig. This, despite the fact, that I knew I was smarter than the average bear when it came to my field of work. And that same fear still remains1 as I pivot careers. I know I’ll pick up stuff with programming. I know I’ll get fluent. But will I be able to make a comfortable living? ...

March 30, 2018 · Mario Jason Braganza