Use Your Scars

Your life, your experience, your scars make you who you are!

February 14, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

Poor Ceres Always Gets the Short End of the Stick

Courtesy, NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA, Public Domain, via Wikipedia I just finished Tamsyn Muir’s Nona, last month. And of course, I’m now stuck along with the rest of the world waiting for Alecto to come along.1 In the meanwhile I’m having fun with the rest of the world, dissecting the old books to pieces with various pieces of headcanon and wild theories, one of the popular ones being trying to find analogies between the houses of the books and our solar system ...

February 12, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

100 Word Writing Habit

I want to write better. And the best way to do that, is to write more. Thinking about which, immediately kills the urge to write, because I take really long to write anything. And the actual writing, is very arduous to me. So what to do? I guess I need to just lower the bar. Do less. More consistently. And then serendipitiously, as they say, when the student is ready, the master appears. David Kadavy’s conducting a 100 Word Writing Habit Online Course, this month. He seemed to be in the same rut as I am now. ...

February 11, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

Viewing Hugo Server Output Remotely

I’ve been living a little dangerously when posting stuff on the blog. While it’s true that I compose my posts locally on my desktop, with a locally installed Hugo, I always catch a ton of things that I miss, after I publish a post. Nearly every single time. So the process then becomes … Open the post on the server in Emacs (after logging in, via ssh) Make an edit. Build and publish. Reload the page and re-read the post. Find a typo. Fix it. Repeat steps 3 & 4. Keep the Emacs pane to keep editing and open another terminal pane, just to build and deploy. Twenty three edits later … Be ok with what I have. (with a build and deploy, and reload and reread every couple of edits) Do a final build and deploy Having done this, for God knows how long now, I’m used to this workflow and decided to just lean into it. But while I loved my edit, build, deploy, reload, reread, workflow, I felt like I was tempting the fates, everytime I did it. Besides I did not like messing with the live website like that. ...

February 11, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

A Signed Copy of Neil Gaiman’s, “What You Need to Be Warm”

I went and fulfilled an old dream of mine. A signed copy of Neil Gaiman’s, What You Need to Be Warm. Click to see bigger A New Year’s Gift! From me, to me 😂 ...

January 14, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

Read, Read, Read, Everything

With eternal gratitude to Bruinhilda the Librarian, for writing this. And with lots of apologies for stealing it wholesale and making it my new reading manifesto :) As a library worker, there’s something I want to say to you. You do not have to apologize for the books you choose to read. At all. To anyone. You owe nobody any explanations; you need no excuse or “good reason” to be reading the book. ...

January 10, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza