How To Say No to Others, Better!

Last weeks post seemed to have hit a nerve. Most of you seem to have opened it rather quickly. And then a few of you, complained! Rather quickly. “All this is well and good, but I want to say No, to other people! ” Well, I can help you with that too! Eric Barker, of Barking Up the Wrong Tree fame, has an excellent post on how to do just that! This is how we do it. ...

July 29, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

Go Bonkers! Do The Work!

— via Neil Gaiman o0moxxie0o asked: Hi I just finished outlining a novel and now I’m worried it’s bonkers. Did you ever worry that something you wrote was too much, or just have second thoughts about what you’re planning? I’m going crazy over this thing. I assume that unless it’s bonkers I’m not doing the work.

July 27, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

RIP, Rutger Hauer

I’ve, seen things, you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire, off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams, glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those, moments, will be lost, in time, like, tears, in rain. Time, to die. Blade Runner was the first movie I saw, that had a morally ambigous ‘hero’. And the villain is not bad? And he saves the hero? This was the first movie that made me look at the world in shades of grey, in shades of acceptance. ...

July 25, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

How to Say No, Better

Another James Clear pick today. How do you make it easier on yourself to say no? To stick to that diet? To stop goofing off and buckle down and study or work? Because, The ability to overcome temptation and effectively say no is critical not only to your physical health, but also to maintaining a sense of well–being and control in your mental health. We do this, by assertion rather than denying ourselves day in and day out. Not that I can’t do this. Just that I don’t. I am a person who eats good food. So I don’t eat junk food. I am a person who wants to be a programmer. So I don’t browse the web aimlessly all day. I am a person who wants his mind in his control all the time. So I don’t drink. ...

July 22, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

How Do You Keep Keep Going?

Or how do you actually go do anything else you committed to do for yourself? I always got confused on what to do when the going got tough and life happened and my goals then got waylaid. Other than feeling lost and giving up on projects and promising to do better tomorrow, or next time? (which took a looooooong time to come) What could I do? James Clear offers a lovely heuristic, that I have been applying to my writing since the year began. (along with Seth’s advice to queue things up) ...

July 15, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Being Neil Gaiman

I want to be the Neil Gaiman of programming. To be able to write across multiple genres, yet retaining my distinctive voice.1 The links are all just books. I haven’t even considered his work in film and games. ↩︎

July 12, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza