We Need To Talk About the British Empire

It’s an Audible Original. And it’s “free”, if you are an Audible member. A look into what Empire means today. It’s a series of engaging podcast episodes on what being a part of the British Empire meant/means for its subjects and its descendants, with stories from across the globe. My only quibble being they did not go deep enough. The people being interviewed are mostly, subject descendants of British origin (and not as I would expect, an actual survivor from the partition or someone here in India, or Somali coast or Sierra Leone.) ...

June 20, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza


Lost a friend to the virus last night. And a shit-ton of personal issues have cropped up at the same time. Need to go handle and process all of this. Will be back, when I am back.

June 18, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Orwell’s 1984

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face … forever. That, probably is the quotable line, I found. The book’s terrible, and I hated the story (too bleak, too dystopian). The only reason for its popularity is that events in real life, are proving Orwell right.

June 13, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Forest 404

It calls itself, an eco thriller. But that is selling the series short. It’s a lush, beautiful soundscape. The forests still ring in my ears. The drums still thump. The future is chilly and industrial. The writing and the dialogue are crisp. And most importantly, it has an all woman cast. And that is all I am willing to share. Find the podcast here. It says episodes available indefinitely. So go have fun! I binged it. I’m sure you will too. ...

June 5, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

Mountains, Holy Lands!

Help the folks, who need your help the most at this hour! Donate to Goonj, to help our daily wage earners and labourers. click to embiggen … I said to him: “Mr. Muir, someone told me you did not approve of the word ‘hike.’ Is that so?” His blue eyes flashed, and with his Scotch accent he replied: “I don’t like either the word or the thing. People ought to saunter in the mountains - not hike!” ...

May 25, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza

The Blog Takes a Short Hiatus

The blog will be silent for a month or so. I need to focus on a couple of other things. Will be back soon. ~

May 23, 2020 · Mario Jason Braganza