I wrote about creating with your experience, your scars, the other day.
And the best way to do that is to develop your calluses, your own scars in the first place.
Herbert Lui writes …
On either fence of, “Write what you know,” I tend to lean towards writing about what I don’t know; “Write What Obsesses You,” as Meg Wolitzer describes it.
[…] Some people say in order to write a book, you need to live it. While I lived aspects of Creative Doing, the more accurate way to say it would be, the writing process changed me, and that I live the book now. I wrote the book I needed to read, not just in the past, but also in the future.
Indeed, you become what you write about, (or what you do)!
This is what I’m trying to do with this slow writing thing.
Which also drives home, what Kushal is still nagging me about and what I am still procrastinating at. That I do the same with my work. With the stuff that I want to learn.
This is my stake in the ground, Kushal. I’ll do this.
I don’t know how good I’ll get. But I will begin the practice.

The best role model, I have, for a craftsman.
He spent a life at his art and had the calluses and the scars to show for it.
I know this, because I felt them everytime he caressed my cheek as child.
Daddy was the best, there ever was.
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