
  • Still with the home stuff

2025-03-08 08:15

  • Trying out my NUC in earnest today. Transcoding a bunch of files (around a hundred) for the media server. Watching all 6 cores light up is fun. Hearing that tiny fan in the NUC scream its lungs out, is not.
  • Bringing them all down to 720p. for i in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -nostdin -i "$i" -vf scale="-1:720" -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -preset medium -c:a copy /output-folder/"$i"; done
  • I need to write Go a lot more. It’s not as intuitive1 as Python was.
  • Irritated and lost as I read and write code. Need to get over feeling like this and be more gentle and focussed. I hate it when I read something or try to understand something and it does not make me go Aha!
  • Done for the day. work more with prompt tomorrow
  • Read prompt docs. figure out how to display a list

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