
  • Get through the day 😂
  • Make some progress on ReDerb

2025-03-06 09:00

  • Too much life stuff happening. Trying to just cope and get through the day
  • 09:20, I need to get comfortable with thinking hard when coding. The moment it gets uncomfortable, I want to immediately switch away to something I like, like reading or checking my feeds. It does not have to be for long stretches, but I need to get good at this.
  • and be comfortable holding things in my head. or a picture of something. and get good at manipulating it in my mind. probably doodling the ideas on paper, will help me focus?
  • i get distracted so easily!
  • 10:00 Tea break

2025-03-06 10:15

  • Tiny rant. I really need to get Rederb up and working. Nearly everything I want to listen and learn is now stuck, because I refuse to use Derb, so that I will push myself to finish rederb. I been doing the, oh i ought to learn this, oh i can listen to it in the mornings, drat i can’t dance, more and more frequently now
  • Scribbled stuff so I don’t have to do the same thinking over and over. Funny case of domain blindness. I can do this in other spheres of life and consulting. It never occurs to me to do this for my personal projects. (when in fact it helped me immensely as I was learning Ansible)
  • 10:30, called away
  • 11:25, back to work.

2025-03-06 18:30

  • Been at it on and off since afternoon.
  • Getting tired
  • Don’t quite know if I made any progress
  • But I think I learned from my mistakes and rebooted the whole thing again
  • Tomorrow, start with reading in arguments, reading in config and printing it all out, like work’s actually getting done.

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