
  • Spend the day reading Golang books

2025-02-21 08:30

  • Learned about daisy chaining handlers in Ansible, because I wanted my machines to 1. reboot after they update themselvs and then 2. remove packages that were no longer needed. Beginning to lean more and more to control my machines with Ansible. Pretty terrified of fiddling with them directly now 😂
  • 09:30, Meta skill being developed. Am getting good at reading code and programming books. My eyes would glaze over / skip over the code sections earlier, and I would then not understand a darned thing.
  • 09:38, There is no single resource, that can help you learn a thing. Lay your hands on as many as you can, try lots of them, and learn from whatever grabs you. Make sure you give them adequate time though. They’ll build on each other in a virtuous cycle
  • 15:00, the defer concept in golang (and in general methinks) finally clicked in my head
  • 16:55, Just got done with one Go book. One more to go.
  • Hmm, I think I should commit to reading one programming / devops book a month. Then I won’t feel so guilty
  • 18:00, One more Go lang book done.1 Picking up a final one to skim
  • 18:36, Finally configure janusworx.com to automatically renew certs, using lego after testing it on the home domain for a month or so.
  • 18:37, Back to reading.
  • All it takes is one line, expressed the way you’d understand, for stuff to unlock in your mind. You aren’t dumb.
  • 20:04, Done with the final book as well. This was easy to skim through. Lots of hard bits, but none that I need yet. Also this one is structured as a reference. So will return to this quite often.
  • 20:05, Think I’m ready to call it a night.

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  1. done reading. not done working through them. i’ve only done 50% of the work ↩︎