
  • Nothing! Still recovering. Still feeling blergh. Yesterday was godaweful

2025-02-01 10:40

  • Will try playing with Go to get rederb done
  • Oh, but before that I ought to get a couple of tiny Ansible tasks done, so I can leave Ansible behind for now.
  • got music working.
  • now to get books working. done.

2025-02-01 12:45

  • Now to why I started this darned Ansible exercise in the first place 😂
  • 12:55: Lunch 13:20: Back
  • 13:48: Done! That was quick!
  • 14:13: Forgot my audiobooks nginx config!
  • 14:24: And done. This really feels like a snowball rolling downhill now!
  • This brings an end to my Ansible learning journey. I learnt lots. Ansible Lint was a really good fast feedback tool. I learnt a lot from fixing (or not) the errors it threw it me. I learnt to write idiomatic Ansible thanks to it. And now that I dunnit, I’ll come back when I can spare the time to add playbooks for the other two tiny machines.

2025-02-01 16:30

  • 17:35, thank goodness to all the notes i left behind, I think I’ve come up to speed with where I left things with Rederb
  • 18:36, Ok no. this is not working. will try reading some book, just as I did with ansible and then come back to this. if i can’t do it tomorrow, the project goes on the backburner
  • 20:21: time to give up when you get an error saying ./todo.go:49:1: missing return and you go to line 49 and hit the enter key
  • more tomorrow

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