2025-01-19 17:21

  • Relaxed the whole day
  • Created an nm section for the French1 section of the site
  • Shouldn’t have worried too much about the menu getting squished. As I learned from the French site, Papermod smartly just pushes it down and it keeps looking as pretty as ever
  • There comes a point when, when we exhale

2025-01-19 18:03

  • Back to why I actually began this note.
  • Need to think out loud about how to reorganise my always on home machines

Current Situation

Intel Machine 100
Storage: 1.5tb across three 500gb disks
Memory: lots
Used for:

  1. Emby Video Server 1
  2. Code Runner for Forgejo

Pi 1 90: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 (4 cores)
Storage: Boot SD card + 500 gb flash drive
Memory: 4gb
Used for:

  1. Forgejo
  2. Inbound Nginx + proxy and ssh (SSH/HTTP/HTTPs from the router, pivpn goes to pi3)

Pi 2 70: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5 (4 cores)
Storage: Boot SD card + 640gb (across 128 + 512gb disks)
Memory: 8gb
Used for:

  1. Calibre Library Server (syncs to main server, with syncthing)
  2. Syncthing (shared storage for customers and friends)

Pi 3 80: Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0 (4 cores)
Storage: Boot SD card + 1.5tb (across 512gb + 1tb disks)
Memory: 8gb
Used for:

  1. Emby Music Server (via syncthing)
  2. Emby Server Modern Movies and TV
  3. Emby Classic Movie Server (via syncthing)
  4. Nginx Static server to serve audiobooks
  5. PiVPN (router forwards port here)

Tentative Plan

  1. Home machines to be on personal domain. Decouple them from janusworx.com
  2. Everything is provisioned and controlled via ansible
  3. Code to rest in either Eli or K’s code servers, since this bootstraps everything
  4. Everything (or nearly everything) runs containeriesd

Intel Machine 100

  1. Exposed to the net; becomes nginx server of the new home domain + proxy to all the services
  2. Move 1tb frm pi 3 here this machine. so this becomes 2.5tb in total
  3. forgejo server + one of the runners (Code Server runs from main disk)
  4. Emby Classic Movie Server
  5. Emby Server Modern Movies and TV
  6. Immich server for photos - low priority
  7. runs pivpn (or plain wireguard if i can figure it out) - low priority

Pi 3 80

  1. Will now have 512gb
  2. Emby Music Server
  3. Nginx Static server to serve audiobooks
  4. ARM runner for Forgejo

Pi 2 70

  • Unchanged

Pi 1 90

  • Now available for play

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  1. Coming soon now® ↩︎